Bug 366352 - Add option to disable embedded bitmaps in fonts (and perhaps disable them by default)
Summary: Add option to disable embedded bitmaps in fonts (and perhaps disable them by ...
Alias: None
Product: systemsettings
Classification: Applications
Component: kcm_fonts (show other bugs)
Version: 5.7.3
Platform: Neon Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Unassigned bugs mailing-list
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Reported: 2016-08-02 16:05 UTC by KDE Neon user
Modified: 2024-07-09 18:47 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description KDE Neon user 2016-08-02 16:05:07 UTC
Users who install/copy certain popular TTF fonts to their systems can't view them properly because they contain embedded bitmaps, which are used when the font size is set to a small value, and they look bad on Linux. Disabling embedded bitmaps in the ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf  file fixes this problem.

Example code:
<match target="font">
        <edit mode="assign" name="embeddedbitmap"><bool>false</bool></edit>

My suggestion is to add an option to toggle embedded bitmaps through the Plasma font options GUI.  This option will add the above code to the fonts.conf file (if it doesn't exist yet), and change the boolean accordingly. 

If such an option is added, maybe you can disable font bitmaps by default, since they are used basically just by those problematic proprietary fonts, as far as I'm aware. 


Reproducible: Always