Reverse geolocation is a nice tool and I got it working now. Previously I used Geotag for it. However comparing outputs I discovered that Geotag gives a more complete information. It uses up to four fields: Ort (location), Stadt (town), Provinz (Province) and Land (Country). In contrast digikam only uses Country and Place (which is town) actually. It would be great if the reverse location would allow more fields, such as Country, Province/State, Town and finally Location (which would be the particular Mountain, Beach, sightseeing spot etc.). It would be perfect it the respective fields of IPTC and XMP would be filled with the reverse geolocation information. Thanks for considering. Reproducible: Always
See also #351987.
This is a super-old feature request from myself. I meanwhile coded a python script to reverse geocode outside of digikam. I include the code here for further use. Unfortunately I am not able to code in C++ and thus to contribute directly. The reverse geocoding is not super-perfect but gives reasonable results for sightseeing and hiking. It uses gmaps to set or correct the gps determined elevation. Nominatim and Geonames services are used to collect relevant information for tagging. The two most abundant entries are then selected for tagging into the IPTC fields. def reverse(path_file, force=False): # Force will overwrite existing definitions APIKEY = "please order by yourself" gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=APIKEY) lang = "de" # language used for Nominatin Service tolerance_elevation = 100 slowdown = 1 # interval to slowdown request metadata = GExiv2.Metadata(path_file) if 'Xmp.photoshop.CaptionWriter' in metadata and force == False: if 'Nominatim & GeoNames' in metadata['Xmp.photoshop.CaptionWriter']:'Skipping already processed file %s' % path_file) return lat = metadata.try_get_gps_latitude() lon = metadata.try_get_gps_longitude() if lat == 0 and lon == 0: logging.warning("Nothing to do since no valid GPS coordinates in file %s" % path_file) return'Processing file %s' % path_file) elevation = round(gmaps.elevation((lat, lon))[0]["elevation"], 0) gps_elevation = metadata.try_get_gps_altitude() true_elevation = gps_elevation # assume first picture data'gps elevation: %s \tgmaps elevation: %s' % (gps_elevation, elevation)) if gps_elevation <= 0.0: # no valid elevation true_elevation = elevation"No valid elevation data in file, elevation set to gmaps value %s", elevation) metadata.try_set_gps_info(lon, lat, true_elevation) elif abs(gps_elevation - elevation) > tolerance_elevation: # too strong deviation true_elevation = int(elevation)"Too strong deviation, elevation corrected to gmaps value %s", elevation) metadata.set_gps_info(lon, lat, true_elevation) query = "%15.12f,%15.12f" % (lat, lon) # Nominatim service nominatim_dict = {} geolocator = Nominatim(timeout=60, user_agent="reverse") location = geolocator.reverse(query, language=lang) # work-around for attribute in ['country', 'village', 'city', 'town', 'historic', 'tourism', 'neighbourhood', 'amenity', 'locality']: try: location.raw["address"][attribute] except: nominatim_dict[attribute] = '' else: nominatim_dict[attribute] = location.raw["address"][attribute]'Nomatim %s %s' % (location.raw["address"], nominatim_dict)) # Geonames service geonames_dict = {} geolocator = GeoNames(username="biokomiker") try: location = geolocator.reverse(query, find_nearby_type="findNearby", exactly_one=False) except GeocoderTimedOut as e: logging.debug("Error: geocode failed on input %s with message %s" % (query, e.message)) return for attribute in ['toponymName', 'name']: try: location[0].raw[attribute] except: geonames_dict[attribute] = '' else: geonames_dict[attribute] = location[0].raw[attribute]'Geonames %s %s' % (location[0].raw, geonames_dict)) city_village = nominatim_dict['village'] + nominatim_dict['city'] + nominatim_dict['town'] ort = Counter( [nominatim_dict[k] for k in ['historic', 'tourism', 'neighbourhood', 'amenity', 'locality']] + [geonames_dict[k] for k in ['toponymName', 'name']]) ort.pop('') try: final_ort = ort.most_common(2)[0][0] + ' / ' + ort.most_common(2)[1][0] except: final_ort = ort.most_common(1)[0][0] IPTC = 'Iptc.Application2.' metadata[IPTC + 'City'] = city_village metadata['Xmp.photoshop.City'] = city_village metadata[IPTC + 'CountryName'] = nominatim_dict['country'] metadata['Xmp.photoshop.Country'] = nominatim_dict['country'] metadata.try_clear_tag(IPTC + 'LocationName') metadata.try_clear_tag('Xmp.iptc.Location') metadata.set_tag_string(IPTC + 'LocationName', final_ort) metadata.set_tag_string('Xmp.iptc.Location', final_ort) now = metadata['Xmp.photoshop.CaptionWriter'] = 'Nominatim & GeoNames @ %s-%s-%s' % (now.year, now.month, metadata.save_file()"\nFinal annotation:\nOrt: %s \nCity/Village: %s \nCountry: %s \nElevation: %s " % ( metadata[IPTC + 'LocationName'], metadata[IPTC + 'City'], metadata[IPTC + 'CountryName'], true_elevation)) print("\nFinal annotation\nOrt: %s \nCity/Village: %s \nCountry: %s \nElevation: %s " % ( metadata[IPTC + 'LocationName'], metadata[IPTC + 'City'], metadata[IPTC + 'CountryName'], true_elevation)) sleep(slowdown) return
Git commit 8c6b332ee8c9dc0465d2fa9532b29f5996c094c5 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 04/12/2022 at 08:34. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. add support for country codes Related: bug 410425, bug 351987 M +6 -1 core/utilities/geolocation/geoiface/items/gpsitemcontainer.cpp M +309 -52 core/utilities/geolocation/geoiface/reversegeocoding/rgwidget.cpp M +4 -0 core/utilities/geolocation/geoiface/reversegeocoding/rgwidget.h