If I connect to my phone's bluetooth tethering, the plasma-nm applet indicates a bluetooth connection is active. If I then activate my openvpn connection, there is no icon after connection. The applet is still there, indicated by an empty space, and I can interact with it. There is just no icon. Reproducible: Always
This icon is indeed missing, no one was expecting that one would connect to a vpn over a bluetooth connection.
overlay icons would improve the situation a lot. what's the icon name(s)
I agree with Andreas: It would really help if Plasma-NM could switch to overlays at some point. Creating a new icon for every combination under the sun is not very efficient, especially if we want to change anything about the base icon at some point.
for oxygen I don't have all icons cause I didn't have the time and I think for external theme it is also not always easy to add something. maybe we can have a look at the gnome nm if we are willing to change something.
I know the overlays would help a lot, even the old applet used overlays, but I don't have right now time to implement that. We can try to do something about that during QtCon/Akademy.
how are the icon names for the needed actions?
The only missing and required icon should be "network-bluetooth-activated-locked".
Git commit f75c8bd8c7353abcab23f6da7a2ae4bc5f50facc by andreas kainz. Committed on 24/01/2017 at 19:32. Pushed by andreask into branch 'master'. Missing icon when connected to openvpn via bluetooth network M +- -- src/desktoptheme/breeze/icons/network.svgz https://commits.kde.org/plasma-framework/f75c8bd8c7353abcab23f6da7a2ae4bc5f50facc