Bug 365878 - When define search column this is not saved
Summary: When define search column this is not saved
Alias: None
Product: KEXI
Classification: Applications
Component: Tables (show other bugs)
Version: 3.0 Alpha
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kexi Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-07-19 22:32 UTC by Juan José Morales
Modified: 2022-11-20 05:13 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Juan José Morales 2016-07-19 22:32:57 UTC
When set a search configuration for a field in the tab column serch and click the Save button, close the table and later reopen it in edition mode the changes are no there.

There is some debug info when I execute these steps:

OK ("createdb")
OK ("create-opendb")
OK ("dropdb")
OK ("drv", "dbdriver")
OK ("t", "type")
OK ("conn", "connection")
OK ("readonly")
OK ("user-mode")
OK ("design-mode")
OK ("show-navigator")
OK ("hide-menu")
OK ("open")
OK ("design")
OK ("edittext")
OK ("exec", "execute")
OK ("new")
OK ("u", "user")
OK ("h", "host")
OK ("port")
OK ("socket", "local-socket")
OK ("skip-conn-dialog")
OK ("f", "fullscreen")
OK ("list-plugins")
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "author"
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "license"
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "desktopfile"
QObject::connect: Use the SLOT or SIGNAL macro to connect KexiWelcomeStatusBarGuiUpdater::slotRedirectLoaded
No URL Redirect
"\"ver\":\"1.3\",\"uid\":\"{16e87db5-a71a-42a0-b849-3634a10457d6}\",\"app_ver\":\"3.0 Alpha\",\"app_ver_major\":\"2\",\"app_ver_minor\":\"99\",\"app_ver_release\":\"89\",\"kde_ver\":\"5.18.0\",\"kde_ver_major\":\"5\",\"kde_ver_minor\":\"18\",\"kde_ver_release\":\"0\",\"os\":\"linux\",\"running_desktop\":\"GNOME\",\"linux_id\":\"Ubuntu GNOME\",\"linux_desc\":\"Ubuntu 16.04 LTS\",\"linux_rel\":\"16.04\",\"os_release\":\"4.4.0-31-generic\",\"os_machine\":\"x86_64\",\"screen_width\":\"1920\",\"screen_height\":\"1080\",\"screen_count\":\"1\",\"country\":\"Colombia\",\"language\":\"Spanish\",\"date_format\":\"dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy\",\"short_date_format\":\"d\\/MM\\/yy\",\"time_format\":\"h:mm:ss AP t\",\"right_to_left\":\"false\""
org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: "/home/juan/prueba2.kexi.kexi"
org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="kexi__objects" CAPTION="" DESC=""
 - "o_type" UNSIGNED Byte 
 - "o_name" Text 
 - "o_caption" Text 
 - "o_desc" LongText   
schema is  0xc987b0
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: 0xc987b0 alias= ""
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 -1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id2" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY ""  at position 0
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id" Integer ""  at position 1
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""nombre" Text ""  at position 2
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""role" Text ""  at position 3
org.kde.kdb.core: "INDEX" KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="" CAPTION="" DESC=""
org.kde.kdb.core: FIELD "id2" IS IN PKEY AT POSITION # 0
org.kde.kdb.core: 1  OUT OF  1  PKEY'S FIELDS FOUND IN QUERY  "user"
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
Clicked just on 'insert' record.
Clicked just on 'insert' record.
Clicked just on 'insert' record.
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE,  1  items
 * field name="role"val=""

-- INSERTING:  RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE,  1  items
 * field name="role"val=""

QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Undo %1} supplied before conversion."
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Redo %1} supplied before conversion."
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QObject::connect: No such signal KUndo2QStack::commandExecuted(K3Command*)
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'KexiTableDesignerView')
destroying old data (owned)
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 4
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 3
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: 0xc9a420 alias= ""
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY ""  at position 0
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""name" Text ""  at position 1
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
"rowSourceType"  =  QVariant(QString, "table")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  ""
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=4)"
"rowSource"  =  QVariant(QString, "role")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  "combobox"
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=4)"
"boundColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 0)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, -1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «0» (UID=4)"
"visibleColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, -1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «1» (UID=4)"
4  top-level command(s) to process...
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=4):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8"
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=4):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Ordered, simplified actions (4, was 4):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "1: Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "2: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "3: Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "4: Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)"
org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC=""
 - "id" Integer 
 - "nombre" Text 
 - "role" Text   
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated!
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
Cannot open cursor
--aborting setData().
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
Clicked just on 'insert' record.
Clicked just on 'insert' record.
Clicked just on 'insert' record.
NOT PRINTABLE: 0x0 "1000024"
NOT PRINTABLE: 0x0 "1000024"
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE,  1  items
 * field name="role"val=""

-- INSERTING:  RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE,  1  items
 * field name="role"val=""

org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 4
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 3
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
"boundColumn"  =  QVariant(int, -1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 0) )
"Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «-1» (UID=8)"
"visibleColumn"  =  QVariant(int, -1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «-1» (UID=8)"
"rowSourceType"  =  QVariant(QString, "table")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  ""
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=8)"
"rowSource"  =  QVariant(QString, "role")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  "combobox"
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=8)"
"boundColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 0)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 0) )
"Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «0» (UID=8)"
"visibleColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «1» (UID=8)"
6  top-level command(s) to process...
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=8):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8"
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=8):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Ordered, simplified actions (4, was 6):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "1: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "2: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "3: Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "4: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "5: Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "6: Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)"
org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC=""
 - "id" Integer 
 - "nombre" Text 
 - "role" Text  
"role"LookupFieldSchema( RecordSource TYPE: ""  NAME:  ""  VALUES:  "" 
  boundColumn:  0  visibleColumns: 1 maxVisibleRecords:  8  displayWidget:  ComboBox  columnHeadersVisible:  false  limitToList:  true  columnWidths: )  
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated!
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
Cannot open cursor
--aborting setData().
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 4
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 3
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  2
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  2
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  2
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  3
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  3
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  3
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  6
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  6
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  6
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  8
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  8
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object:  KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0)  index:  8
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
"boundColumn"  =  QVariant(int, -1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 0) )
"Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «-1» (UID=12)"
"visibleColumn"  =  QVariant(int, -1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «-1» (UID=12)"
"rowSourceType"  =  QVariant(QString, "table")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  ""
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=12)"
"rowSource"  =  QVariant(QString, "role")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  "combobox"
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=12)"
"boundColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 0)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 0) )
"Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «0» (UID=12)"
"visibleColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «1» (UID=12)"
6  top-level command(s) to process...
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=12):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8"
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)"  (req =  8 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=12):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Ordered, simplified actions (4, was 6):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "1: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "2: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "3: Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "4: [No action]"
org.kde.kdb.core: "5: Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "6: Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)"
org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC=""
 - "id" Integer 
 - "nombre" Text 
 - "role" Text  
"role"LookupFieldSchema( RecordSource TYPE: ""  NAME:  ""  VALUES:  "" 
  boundColumn:  0  visibleColumns: 1 maxVisibleRecords:  8  displayWidget:  ComboBox  columnHeadersVisible:  false  limitToList:  true  columnWidths: )  
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
schema is  0xc9a420
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: "INDEX" KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="" CAPTION="" DESC=""
org.kde.kdb.core: FIELD "id" IS IN PKEY AT POSITION # 0
org.kde.kdb.core: 1  OUT OF  1  PKEY'S FIELDS FOUND IN QUERY  "role"
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated!
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
Cannot open cursor
--aborting setData().
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 4
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 3
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create table User with the following fields: id (Number primary key), name (Text)
2. Create table Role with the following steps: (Id Number primary key), name (Text)
3. Return to the User table and add a field role (role Text)
4. Select the role field and select the tab "search column" ("Columna de búsqueda" in my spanish version)  
5. In the "record source" field set "role"
6. In the column limit field select "id"
7. in the visible column field select "name"
8. click Save option and select the Data Tab
9. Select the design Tab again 
10. Select the tab "Search field" == the changes are no there

Actual Results:  
The changes of the "Search field" are not saved

Expected Results:  
The changes of the "Search field" are  saved

Tested from a version compiled from the source
Comment 1 Jarosław Staniek 2016-07-20 14:48:25 UTC
There's no "search column" , I guess you mean this pane:


I recommend changing locale to C or en_US while testing Kexi and communicating messages. Also when posting screenshots. We're often looking for mentioned strings in the source code and if you don't 100% accurately translate the string, it's not convenient.

I guess you mean bound column or visible column?
Comment 2 Jarosław Staniek 2016-07-20 16:26:15 UTC
For the record, to use C locale jsut for Kexi on linux/unix you use this command:

LANG=C kexi

Or better "export LANG=C" in your local environment where you build and run Kexi.
Comment 3 Juan José Morales 2016-07-20 21:20:11 UTC

I add the enviroment var that you said and rebuid the app. After that I try the steps i describe in the bug. FInally when i clicked the Data Tab in the User table the app crash.

There is some debug info :

filter: ("*.kexi|Proyecto", "basado", "en", "archivos", "de", "base", "de", "datos", "Kexi", "(*.kexi)\n*|todos", "los", "archivos") path: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi"
appended extension, result: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi"
org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi"
org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="kexi__objects" CAPTION="" DESC=""
 - "o_type" UNSIGNED Byte 
 - "o_name" Text 
 - "o_caption" Text 
 - "o_desc" LongText   
org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi"
org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="kexi__objects" CAPTION="" DESC=""
 - "o_type" UNSIGNED Byte 
 - "o_name" Text 
 - "o_caption" Text 
 - "o_desc" LongText   
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'kexi__blobs') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='kexiproject_major_ver') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' kexiproject_major_ver') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='kexiproject_minor_ver') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' kexiproject_minor_ver') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'kexi__parts') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'kexi__userdata') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='project_caption') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' project_caption') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='project_desc') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' project_desc') LIMIT 1"
"Tag 'img' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><nl/><nl/><img src=\":/icons/breeze/actions/32/document-em...}."
"Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><nl/><nl/><img src=\":/icons/breeze/actions/32/document-em...}."
Added "file:///home/juan/" to recent dirs class ":OpenExistingOrCreateNewProject"
schema is  0x0
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Undo %1} supplied before conversion."
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Redo %1} supplied before conversion."
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QObject::connect: No such signal KUndo2QStack::commandExecuted(K3Command*)
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'KexiTableDesignerView')
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "id" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "id" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[]"  "2:[]"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" :  ""  ->  "id"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  ""  ->  "0"
"id" Text
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]id"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
no column relatedData 
 - moving to setData(KDbField &)
added: ' "Text" '
added: ' "Integer Number" '
added: ' "Floating Point Number" '
added: ' "Yes/No" '
added: ' "Date/Time" '
added: ' "Object" '
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
QVariant(QString, "Text")
"type"  =  QVariant(int, 3)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 11) )
"Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=1)"
"subType"  =  QVariant(QString, "Integer")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(Invalid) )
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
QVariant(int, 3)
subType= 0  type= 3
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
subType= 0  type= 3
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]id"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  "0"  ->  "1"
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]id"  "2:[int]1"  "3:[]" 
"primaryKey"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «primaryKey» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «true» (UID=1)"
"unique"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «unique» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
"notNull"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «notNull» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
"allowEmpty"  =  QVariant(bool, false)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, true) )
"Modificada la propiedad «allowEmpty» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «false» (UID=1)"
"indexed"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «indexed» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
"autoIncrement"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «autoIncrement» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  "database-key"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  "1"  ->  "1"
"subType"  =  QVariant(QString, "BigInteger")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "Integer") )
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
QVariant(int, 3)
"type"  =  QVariant(int, 4)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 11) )
subType= 0  type= 4
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
"unsigned"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «unsigned» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
subType= 0  type= 4
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "name" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "name" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[]"  "2:[]"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" :  ""  ->  "name"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  ""  ->  "0"
"name" Text
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]name"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT kexi__objectdata.o_id FROM kexi__objectdata WHERE o_id=1 AND o_sub_id='extended_schema') LIMIT 1"
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: 0xbc64a0 alias= ""
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY ""  at position 0
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""name" Text ""  at position 1
org.kde.kdb.core: "INDEX" KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="" CAPTION="" DESC=""
org.kde.kdb.core: FIELD "id" IS IN PKEY AT POSITION # 0
org.kde.kdb.core: 1  OUT OF  1  PKEY'S FIELDS FOUND IN QUERY  "user"
destroying old data (owned)
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
schema is  0x0
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Undo %1} supplied before conversion."
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Redo %1} supplied before conversion."
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QObject::connect: No such signal KUndo2QStack::commandExecuted(K3Command*)
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'KexiTableDesignerView')
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "id" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "id" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[]"  "2:[]"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" :  ""  ->  "id"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  ""  ->  "0"
"id" Text
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]id"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
no column relatedData 
 - moving to setData(KDbField &)
added: ' "Text" '
added: ' "Integer Number" '
added: ' "Floating Point Number" '
added: ' "Yes/No" '
added: ' "Date/Time" '
added: ' "Object" '
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
QVariant(QString, "Text")
"type"  =  QVariant(int, 3)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 11) )
"Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=1)"
"subType"  =  QVariant(QString, "Integer")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(Invalid) )
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
QVariant(int, 3)
subType= 0  type= 3
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
subType= 0  type= 3
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]id"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  "0"  ->  "1"
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]id"  "2:[int]1"  "3:[]" 
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "name" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "name" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[]"  "2:[]"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" :  ""  ->  "name"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  ""  ->  "0"
"name" Text
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]name"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
QVariant(QString, "Text")
"type"  =  QVariant(int, 3)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 11) )
"Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=2)"
"subType"  =  QVariant(QString, "Integer")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(Invalid) )
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=2)"
QVariant(int, 3)
subType= 0  type= 3
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=2)"
subType= 0  type= 3
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]name"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  "0"  ->  "1"
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]name"  "2:[int]1"  "3:[]" 
WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
org.kde.knotifications: Audio notification requested, but sound file from notifyrc file was not found, aborting audio notification
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
"primaryKey"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «primaryKey» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «true» (UID=1)"
"unique"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «unique» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
"notNull"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «notNull» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
"allowEmpty"  =  QVariant(bool, false)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, true) )
"Modificada la propiedad «allowEmpty» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «false» (UID=1)"
"indexed"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «indexed» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
"autoIncrement"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «autoIncrement» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  "database-key"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  "1"  ->  "1"
"subType"  =  QVariant(QString, "BigInteger")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "Integer") )
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
QVariant(int, 3)
"type"  =  QVariant(int, 4)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 11) )
subType= 0  type= 4
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)"
"unsigned"  =  QVariant(bool, true)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(bool, false) )
"Modificada la propiedad «unsigned» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)"
subType= 0  type= 4
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
subType= 0  type= 4
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "role" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  2  items
  * field name= "caption" val= "role" 
  * field name= "type" val= "0" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[]"  "2:[]"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" :  ""  ->  "role"
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  ""  ->  "0"
"role" Text
subType strings:  "Text|LongText" 
names:  "Text|Long Text"
subType= 0  type= 11
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified!
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]role"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
no column relatedData 
 - moving to setData(KDbField &)
added: ' "Text" '
added: ' "Integer Number" '
added: ' "Floating Point Number" '
added: ' "Yes/No" '
added: ' "Date/Time" '
added: ' "Object" '
destroying old data (owned)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible
QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0)
subType strings:  "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" 
names:  "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number"
QVariant(QString, "Text")
"type"  =  QVariant(int, 3)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, 11) )
"Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=5)"
"subType"  =  QVariant(QString, "Integer")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(Invalid) )
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=5)"
QVariant(int, 3)
subType= 0  type= 3
"Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n  to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=5)"
subType= 0  type= 3
------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- UPDATING:  RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE,  1  items
  * field name= "type" val= "1" 
-- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]role"  "2:[int]0"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: "type" :  "0"  ->  "1"
-- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]"  "1:[QString]role"  "2:[int]1"  "3:[]" 
org.kde.kdb.core: 0xf10c60 alias= ""
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY ""  at position 0
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""name" Integer ""  at position 1
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
QVariant(QString, "")
QVariant(QString, "id")
QVariant(QString, "name")
"rowSourceType"  =  QVariant(QString, "table")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  ""
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=5)"
"rowSource"  =  QVariant(QString, "role")  (oldvalue =  QVariant(QString, "") )
org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" :  ""  ->  "combobox"
"Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=5)"
"boundColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 0)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, -1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «0» (UID=5)"
"visibleColumn"  =  QVariant(int, 1)  (oldvalue =  QVariant(int, -1) )
"Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «1» (UID=5)"
7  top-level command(s) to process...
org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions:
org.kde.kdb.core: "Insert table field \"role\" at position 2 (UID=5)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"type\" property for table field \"role\" to \"3\" (UID=5)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=5)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=5)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=5)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=5)"  (req =  0 )
org.kde.kdb.core: 0x11018a0
org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (1, UID=5):"
org.kde.kdb.core: "Insert table field \"role\" at position 2 (UID=5)"
org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY id) LIMIT 1"
Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
 - "name" Text 
 - "role" Integer  
"role"LookupFieldSchema( RecordSource TYPE: ""  NAME:  ""  VALUES:  "" 
  boundColumn:  0  visibleColumns: 1 maxVisibleRecords:  8  displayWidget:  ComboBox  columnHeadersVisible:  false  limitToList:  true  columnWidths: )  
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT kexi__objectdata.o_id FROM kexi__objectdata WHERE o_id=1 AND o_sub_id='extended_schema') LIMIT 1"
org.kde.kdb.core: 0xefe530 alias= ""
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1
org.kde.kdb.core:  <NOT SPECIFIED>
org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 -1 " ]
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY ""  at position 0
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""name" Text ""  at position 1
org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""role" Integer ""  at position 2
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated!
org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type ""
Cannot open cursor
--aborting setData().
QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0)
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = kexi path = /home/juan/kde/inst5/bin pid = 4413
KCrash: Arguments: /home/juan/kde/inst5/bin/kexi 
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
kdeinit5: Got EXEC_NEW '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi' from wrapper.
kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi'
found lsb_release
Using /proc to determine executable path
Executable is: "/home/juan/kde/inst5/bin/kexi"
Executable exists: true
Enabling drkonqi crash catching
Invalid pixmap specified.
No frame loaded
No frame loaded
No frame loaded
No frame loaded
No frame loaded
No frame loaded
Sending SIGSTOP to process
Comment 4 Justin Zobel 2022-10-21 23:59:59 UTC
Thank you for reporting this bug in KDE software. As it has been a while since this issue was reported, can we please ask you to see if you can reproduce the issue with a recent software version?

If you can reproduce the issue, please change the status to "CONFIRMED" when replying. Thank you!
Comment 5 Bug Janitor Service 2022-11-05 05:08:50 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 6 Bug Janitor Service 2022-11-20 05:13:05 UTC
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!