I have just tried http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-Win64.exe on Windows 10 64-bit, French locale * The installer suggests by default to install in `C:\Program Files (x86)\` instead of the expected `C:\Program Files`. I kept the default settings. * After installation, digiKam does not start (error code 0xc000007b - which seems to be an error code when there is a mismatch between x86 and x64) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-Win64.exe on Windows 10 64-bit with default settings 2. Pass Windows SmartScreen message saying that this installer is not known (unknown publisher) 3. Start digiKam 5.0 Actual Results: digiKam 5.0 x64 fails to start. Only one line in debugView: "Suspending" Expected Results: Application should start The 32-bit version seems to work fine http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-Win32.exe I have tried to uninstall and re-install the 64-bit version (second time without SmartScreen message, but still with the same problem)
Created attachment 99868 [details] Error message + DebugView
Created attachment 99870 [details] ProcessExplorer log Log of process activity before crash
I have just tried on another computer under Windows 10 64-bit English, with same bug. Furtermore, `Showphoto.exe` also has the same crash at startup
This is strange because 64 bits version work few day ago. The process to cross compile 64 bits is the same than 32 bits. We use MXE cross compiling environment under Linux Both are compiled in separated repository to be sure than nothing is merged between 32 and 64 bits. Perhaps a bugs have been introduced in dll interdependencies scan. I will start a new 64 bits build from scratch and check. Gilles Caulier
I have exactly the same startup error (Win 10, 64bit)
Git commit 6d0b3fb37160c1cb19f5c54da95c4ab8878778b9 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 06/07/2016 at 10:32. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. fix install path unde Windows 64 bits M +8 -11 project/mxe/installer/digikam.nsi http://commits.kde.org/scratch/mwiesweg/digikam-sc/6d0b3fb37160c1cb19f5c54da95c4ab8878778b9
Git commit e8329ccce83cb5e7ef184ddb3a42abd4f7a48092 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 06/07/2016 at 10:33. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. pass Windows architecture to NSIS installer script M +3 -1 project/mxe/04-build-installer.sh http://commits.kde.org/scratch/mwiesweg/digikam-sc/e8329ccce83cb5e7ef184ddb3a42abd4f7a48092
New build of Windows 64 bits installer. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yq-xFihT0_MVBzOW9jZFA2NE0 Please try and lets me hear. Note : My Windows 7 64 bits is out. So i cannot test here. Gilles Caulier
The destination directory in the installer GUI is wrong (C:\PROGRAMFILES64\digikam. It must C:\PROGRAM FILES\digikam. After manual selection digiKam runs. Maik
Git commit d7a2e5a85b5c176c28437c1d7f5b6a6229f1868f by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 06/07/2016 at 16:43. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. fix install path due to a typo in variable M +1 -1 project/mxe/installer/digikam.nsi http://commits.kde.org/scratch/mwiesweg/digikam-sc/d7a2e5a85b5c176c28437c1d7f5b6a6229f1868f
Thanks Maik. I will rebuild installer tomorrow morning with release ID 5.0.1 Gilles caulier
No Installer for Win64 5.0.1 on Main Site yet. Got same Bug every time starting 5.0.
Maik, You install on Win7 or 8 or 10 64 bits ? To all others, which Windows 64 bits version do you use exactly ? Gilles Caulier
I am using Windows 10 Home 64-bit. P.
I have a VirtualBox with Windows7 (64 bits). Maik
Pascale, As install path is wrong with both version of 64 bits installer, take a care to uninstall it before to re-install. Do you tried to run it in compatibility mode ? Gilles Caulier
Yeah tried both.
So, if i resume : Win7 64 bits : work fine. Win8 64 bits : ??? Win10 64 bits : doesn't work. I'm fine ? Gilles Caulier
64 bits installer updated with install path fixed : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yq-xFihT0_MVBzOW9jZFA2NE0 Please check... Gilles Caulier
This installer WFM! (Windows 10 64 bit OS)
>This installer WFM! Sorry ? Gilles Caulier
Sorry "Works For Me" :-)
Ah thanks Patrick, I just tested here with a Windows 7 64 bits with all fresh updates, and installer + application start properly. Gilles Caulier
It does not work for me. Tried with the latest installer at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yq-xFihT0_MVBzOW9jZFA2NE0 under Windows 10, 64 bit. The install procedure starts correctly, but after reaching 100%, the installer window does not close, but does not react anymore. I have to close it with the task manager. When starting digikam it blocks my start menu bar and the hole computer during about a minute. After a minute, I can continue to work. But the digikam does not appear on the screen. (The process is neverthelass running, as I can see in the task manager.) However, showfoto works. The uninstaller does not work (does nothing).
Lukas, At end of install, Windows register base is patch with digiKam version, path, etc information, for future uninstall. It's sound like the process cannot be completed properly. - Do you have an anti-virus installed and enabled ? - Can you try to run installer with administrator rights ? Note : here under Win7, i need to setup Anti-virus to add an exception about DK installer and to run it as admin. Gilles Caulier
Installer is now moved to another shared GDrive repository : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5c0VpbTEtVGwzanc&usp=sharing Gilles Caulier
Thanks! Your Installer worked. P.
Maik, In repository : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5c0VpbTEtVGwzanc&usp=sharing I add the new win32 installer using new install path rules. Can you check if the default place is right. thanks in advance Gilles
The 32 bits installer will install in C:\Program Files\digikam. I think if a 64 bits Windows available the Installer should suggest C:\Program Files (x86)\digikam. But digikam runs. Maik
Arf... It must go to PF(x86) directory... So the NSIS documentation is wrong.... I will fix it Gilles Caulier
I used the x32 installer on Win 10 x64 home, and it installed just fine to C:\Program Files (x86)\digiKam I can't remember if it did so itself or if it was corrected by windows, but it worked just fine. If you want I can re-install to check, but then I need to un-install first. FYI, I can not install the x64 alongside the x32 either, only one Digikam may be installed at once. Probably better for the database anyway, but not sure if it is intentional.
New versions of Windows installers are now online in download area : http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-1-Win64.exe.mirrorlist http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-1-Win32.exe.mirrorlist I close this file now. Gilles Caulier
Hi. I have just installed the 64-bit in Windows 10 (digikam 5.0.0-1), and get the same "0xc000007b" error as described in the first post.
Hugo, Do you have something like "Microsoft Visual C++... Redistributable ..." installed on your system ? Look in Control Panel for details... Gilles Caulier
On users ML, Guy Rutenberg report this message : "I tried installing digikam 5.0 on 64bit Windows 10 using the Win64 installer. Installation went smoothly, however when I try to launch digikam I get the following errror: The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b). Click OK to close the application. I tried having a look using Dependency Walker, and it seems some DLLs are missing. Can it be missing DLLs form the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package? But which version?" Gilles Caulier
As digiKam is now cross compiled, we don't use Mi$ Visual C++ to compile, but MXE/MinGW under Linux. Typically the M$ Visual C++ shared libs are not used, but i'm not sure to 100% Gilles Caulier
I had a Windows10 64 bits system shortly available. I had the same error message. I could short examine it only. The SQLite DB driver reports an out of memory error. The same Installer runs on Windows7 64 bits without any problems. Maik
Created attachment 99952 [details] Dependency Walker log Dependency Walker log detailing missing DLLs.
I'm not 100% sure but googling about missing dlls reported to Dependency Walker log sound relevant of this missing update under Windows 10 : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2999226 At least, this update is present on my Windows 7... Gilles Caulier
(In reply to caulier.gilles from comment #34) > Hugo, > > Do you have something like "Microsoft Visual C++... Redistributable ..." > installed on your system ? Look in Control Panel for details... > > Gilles Caulier Yes, I hav a bunch of "Microsoft Visual C++... Redistributable ..." installed (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015). Hugo Costelha
I have the same error with the new 64-bit installer. What I can see is that there are 64-bit and 32-bit dlls mixed. I'm not an expert, but is this allowed? These are the 32-bit dlls in the 64-bit installer: icudt56.dll icuin56.dll icuuc56.dll libastro.dll libbz2.dll libdbus-1-3.dll libdigikamcore.dll libdigikamdatabase.dll libdigikamgui.dll libeay32.dll libexiv2-14.dll libexpat-1.dll libfreetype-6.dll libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll libglib-2.dll0-0.dll libgmp-10.dll libgnurx-0.dll libgnutls-30.dll libgomp-1.dll libHalf-12.dll libharfbuzz-0.dll libhogweed-4-2.dll libiconv-2.dll libidn-11.dll libIex-2_2-12.dll libIlmImf-2_2-22.dll libIlmThread-2_2-12.dll libintl-8.dll libjasper-1.dll libjpeg-9.dll libKF5Archive.dll libKF5Auth.dll libKF5Bookmarks.dll libKF5Codecs.dll libKF5ConfigCore.dll libKF5ConfigGui.dll libKF5ConfigWidgets.dll libKF5CoreAddons.dll libKF5Crash.dll libKF5DBusAddons.dll libKF5GlobalAccel.dll libKF5GuiAddons.dll libKF5I18n.dll libKF5IconThemes.dll libKF5ItemViews.dll libKF5Kipi.dll libKF5kipiplugins.dll libKF5MediaWiki.dll libKF5Service.dll libKF5Solid.dll libKF5ThreadWeaver.dll libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll libKF5WindowSystem.dll libKF5XmlGui.dll liblcms2-2.dll liblensfun.dll liblzma-5.dll libmarblewidget-qt5.dll libmman.dll libmng-2.dll libmysqlclient.dll libnettle-6-2.dll libopencv_calib3d.dll libopencv_contrib.dll libopencv_core.dll libopencv_features2d.dll libopencv_flann.dll libopencv_highgui.dll libopencv_imgproc.dll libopencv_ml.dll libopencv_objdetect.dll libopencv_video.dll libpcre-1.dll libpcre16-0.dll libpng16-16.dll libpq.dll libreadline6.dll libsqlite3-0.dll libstdc++-6.dll libsybdb-5.dll libtermcap.dll libtiff-5.dll libwebp-5.dll libwebpdemux-1.dll libwinpthread-1.dll libxml2-2.dll libxslt-1.dll Qt53DCore.dll Qt53DExtras.dll Qt53DInput.dll Qt53DLogic.dll Qt53DRender.dll Qt5Concurrent.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5DBus.dll Qt5Gamepad.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Location.dll Qt5Multimedia.dll Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll Qt5Network.dll Qt5OpenGL.dll Qt5Positioning.dll Qt5PrintSupport.dll Qt5Qml.dll Qt5Quick.dll Qt5Script.dll Qt5Sensors.dll Qt5SerialBus.dll Qt5SerialPort.dll Qt5Sql.dll Qt5Svg.dll Qt5WebChannel.dll Qt5WebKit.dll Qt5WebKitWidgets.dll Qt5Widgets.dll Qt5Xml.dll Qt5XmlPatterns.dll ssleay32.dll zlib1.dll
The installer from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yq-xFihT0_MVBzOW9jZFA2NE0 works, but the installer from http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-1-Win64.exe has the mixed 32-bit / 64-bit dlls. Regards, Norbert
The 64 bist installer is compiled with MXE under a dedicated bundle directory. 32 bits version is compiled in a separated bunde dir. Nothing is mixed. I suspect a problem into MXE... Gilles Caulier
I think i find the bug. It's in Python script which collect shared dlls used by a binary file. On top of script (line 42) we set pathes where dlls can be found (default_path_prefixes) : https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=digikam-software-compilation.git&a=blob&f=project%2Fmxe%2Frll.py As both win32 and win64 are computed in parallel, you can imagine the possible mix. The problem must not touch the 32 bits as 32 bits paths are in first on the list, but with 64 bits... Gilles Caulier
Git commit 5522bf6707a745e8a1bfc712a19aa99654fba6b6 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 09/07/2016 at 09:48. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. pass the path to current MXE intall prefix to Python script use to collect dlls. This must prevent mix of 32 and 64 bits dlls with 64 bits installer. M +2 -2 project/mxe/04-build-installer.sh M +1 -1 project/mxe/config.sh M +13 -9 project/mxe/rll.py http://commits.kde.org/scratch/mwiesweg/digikam-sc/5522bf6707a745e8a1bfc712a19aa99654fba6b6
New digiKam 5.0.0-2 64 bits installer : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5S2Izd1ZkMTA1dnM Please install and report if all is fine now... Gilles Caulier
Thanks for the fast reaction, @Gilles. The installer https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5S2Izd1ZkMTA1dnM forks fine for me (Windows 10 x64): the installer defaults to the proper install location, and digiKam starts without crash, as well as Showfoto.
Thanks for the report. In the same way, just to verify, i build 32 bits installer : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5V3dtLTNKTjUwQmM Please test and report. If all is fine i will upload new installers to download area. Gilles Caulier
With the installer https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5V3dtLTNKTjUwQmM both digiKam and Showfoto start fine in 32-bit, but the installer defaults to "C:\Program Files\digiKam\" which is the path for 64-bit software. Just for the record: %ProgramFiles% ==> C:\Program Files\ %ProgramFiles(x86)% ==> C:\Program Files (x86)\
The install path is selected by NSIS installer depending of window architecture. Look line 100 of NSIS script : https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=digikam-software-compilation.git&a=blob&h=b084e410223a76887423337a7e9ae9487ed84ed3&hb=deaf44067a31158e5f0cb4a5a29f7ca26135bc49&f=project%2Fmxe%2Finstaller%2Fdigikam.nsi#l100 Here, with my Windows 7 32 bits the install path is really C:\Program Files\, not C:\Program Files (x86)\. This last path do not exist on the system. Gilles Caulier
Ok, the logic is not fully correct: it should account for the actual content of the installer. One can install both x86 and x64 software on a 64-bit platform.
Git commit 00051f231e82379ca680c3bd2d1eb8b8901cfa73 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 09/07/2016 at 14:42. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. check if 64 bits installer will be installed on 32 bits system. If yes, go out with an error message. M +1 -1 project/mxe/04-build-installer.sh M +14 -2 project/mxe/installer/digikam.nsi http://commits.kde.org/scratch/mwiesweg/digikam-sc/00051f231e82379ca680c3bd2d1eb8b8901cfa73
FYI Running: Win10 64bit French The installer 5.0.0-1 published on http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/ gives the 0x...7b error The installer 5.0.0 published on google drive is working fine The installer 5.0.0-2 published on google drive is also working fine Regarding the installation location it seems that it remember the last install path. 1st tried the 5.0.0-1 and it detected v4 in x86 folder. After uninstallation it asked to install in the same location (x86). Which I manually changed. After installation I got the error message and tried to reinstall the same v5.0.0-1, it removed itself and then asked to be installed in the same folder.
32 and 64 bits installer version 2 are now online : http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-2-Win32.exe.mirrorlist http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digiKam-5.0.0-2-Win64.exe.mirrorlist Gilles Caulier