This is a report based on a forum topic: The problem (in the post June 10 refactored builds) of transitions disappearing when you try to resize them smaller has returned. ... 30da4f74ec fixed this bug a few weeks ago, but now it's back. A quick search of the source from my last build (june 30, last commit ... 082c56c152 "Fix corruption on insert with grouped clips" shows the code added with the last fix for this is still present, but the problem is now back anyway. Reproducible: Always
Here is more info the guy posted: Kdenlive: GIT master 6-29-2016 MLT: 6.2.0 from GIT master 4-22-2016 (will try newer version shortly) Movit enabled, using 1.3.2 Processor is AMD FX 8120 Expected results: Transition resizable from either direction, holding selected length when right mouse button released. Actual results: Resize works fine when resizing from the right, but when resizing from the left the transition disappears when the right mouse button is released. Sometimes a crash follows Further timeline corruption: Once a transition has disappeared, any attempt to move either clip will cause it to display twice rather than move. Won't be saved that way though, To duplicate: 1: Open kdenlive, place two clips on the timeline with any overlap 2: make a transition between those clips 3: resize that transition in either direction from the right, it works. 4: Resize that same transition from the left, it disappears as soon as you release the mouse button. Kdenlive might crash right here but usually does not. 5: same results if you only try to resize from the left, having not touched the right side. 6: attempt to move either clip involved, it will now appear twice. Unfortunately I've had little luck working with GDB.
Git commit 2c034ca0ec39d4debf1865514ba92b57c54bbe85 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 13/07/2016 at 19:19. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'master'. Fix crash / corruption on resize transition start M +1 -2 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp M +1 -11 src/renderer.cpp M +58 -56 src/timeline/managers/resizemanager.cpp M +2 -2 src/timeline/transitionhandler.cpp
Hi Farid, bug still present...?
this isn't my report, i reposted it for some in the forum. i will mark it as fixed since jb seems to have worked on it.