At the moment, you can move a group of clips horizontally using the spacer tool. It would be convenient if this was possible for vertical movement between video tracks, too. So, you could move a group of clips that lie on video track 1-3 down to be on tracks 2-4. Reproducible: Always
Cool feature to think of after the refactoring.
Moving this to Phabricator: Please further expand on this issue over there if you like.
Reopening as Phabricator is deprecated.
Changed to wishlist
We discussed this topic during the sprint in November 2023. We are not going to implement this.
Could you please explain why not?
This was a longer discussion and I may not explain all details here, but the key points are: - Want you requested is mostly achievable by inserting or removing new tracks - The spacer tool is related to space in the sense of time which is horizontal - We want to align the behavior of standard tools ie. tools available in other video editing software, to be consistent with those.
Thanks for the explanation