When moving a (somewhat larger) group of clips and transitions, a move of the group leaves copies of transitions behind. These unwanted transitions copies are in some cases not part of the group, while at other times are. I'm yet unsure what the trigger is for the copies to be part of the group or not. In any case they damage the project in that they are tedious to remove. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a group of clips with multiple transitions. 2. Move group in timeline using the mouse. Actual Results: Transition copies appear that partly overlay the grouped transitions. Expected Results: No transition copies to appear.
It seems that copies start up to appear each time you stop moving the group but without release the mouse button yet. So if you slowly move the group into place, many, many copies appear that make rescuing the project almost impossible. Glad I had made a copy before doing the group move. I had some foreboding from reading the recent bug reports... ;)
This bug is still present: it's very dangerous in that you will see the project corruption only after saving and reloading! To reproduce simply group some clips with transtions and move them around. Move them again. And again. Then save. Restart Kdenlive, reload project. You should now see many, many transitions floating around your project, in all those places where you moved your group to.
Git commit 8d25df8b34caea01d37903070b660e6af9ecf0f9 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 23/06/2016 at 23:06. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'master'. Fix transition corruption on group move M +5 -5 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp M +2 -2 src/timeline/customtrackview.h M +1 -1 src/timeline/managers/movemanager.cpp http://commits.kde.org/kdenlive/8d25df8b34caea01d37903070b660e6af9ecf0f9
This is fixed for me, I toyed around several ugly clip&transition groups without any timeline corruption. Jean-Baptiste, thank you very much for fixing this creepy bug!