What do you specify in typeStr? `baloosearch -h` doesn't say, and it has no man page. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Enter `baloosearch` in a terminal 2. Enter `man baloosearch` in a terminal Actual Results: -t, --type <typeStr> Type of data to be searched No manual entry for baloosearch Is typeStr a mime type or file extension? Or is it metadata like search by date modified, EXIF tag, mp3 title? Can you enter more than one? Expected Results: A better hint in usage. Either add a man page or provide a URL in the Usage string with more explanation. https://community.kde.org/Baloo/Debugging and other pages don't explain typeStr.
Types are from KFileMetadata::Type: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kfilemetadata.git&a=blob&h=c1a3a1130184203b7e50b174d4554b19767030f3&hb=ec30b9c7ae739ca1e5482cb6b6288fe497e021d8&f=src%2Ftypes.h Valid Types are: Archive, Audio, Video, Image, Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Text, Folder,
(In reply to Stefan Brüns from comment #1) > Types are from KFileMetadata::Type: > https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kfilemetadata. > git&a=blob&h=c1a3a1130184203b7e50b174d4554b19767030f3&hb=ec30b9c7ae739ca1e548 > 2cb6b6288fe497e021d8&f=src%2Ftypes.h Thanks, I hope someone can fix the program help to say this. https://github.com/KDE/baloo/blob/master/docs/user/searching.md also mentions these types but omits "Folder". > Valid Types are: > Archive, > Audio, > Video, > Image, > Document, > Spreadsheet, > Presentation, > Text, > Folder, Is case significant? Are these translated? Dolphin's search dialog only supports a subset of these: Documents, Images, Audio Files, Videos. Sadly I can't get baloosearch to work at all, it never prints anything but "Elapsed: 0.NNNN msecs" :-( I'm now on version 5.23.0 on KDE Frameworks 5.23.0 and Qt 5.5.1.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 351642 ***
?? bug 351642 requests a man page for balooctl, a different command. I don't think this is a duplicate of it.
Oh, you're right. Good catch!
Git commit 8bbb6222f8b7cd1eb9b81f086220f8485ae51b4d by Stefan Brüns. Committed on 18/05/2021 at 17:28. Pushed by bruns into branch 'master'. [Doc] Add Folder to Type list GIT_SILENT M +3 -2 docs/user/searching.md https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/baloo/commit/8bbb6222f8b7cd1eb9b81f086220f8485ae51b4d