Appears to be a problem with Windows file/path names, a parsing issue perhaps? I tried to resize some photos and all my attempts to resize them fails with the following example of an error message - convert -verbose C:/Users/Marc/Pictures/Iris_Farm_2016/IMG_0845.JPG[0] -resize 640x480 -quality 75 -profile C:/Users/Marc/Pictures/Iris_Farm_2016/IMG_0845.JPG C:/Users/Marc/Pictures/Iris_Farm_2016/small_pics/IMG_0845.JPG Invalid Parameter - C: I am using the version of Digicam for Windows, Windows 10 to be more specific.
The resize tool from kipi plugins have been removed with new 5.0.0 release (currently in beta7). You must use Batch Queue Manager from digiKam core instead, which has some limitation currently. See files relevant from bugzilla for details : The new 5.0.0 Windows installer for testing is available at this url : Gilles Caulier