Cantata is a music player with kdelibs/KF support, by KDE dev Craig Drummond: It's my favorite music player, and the only colorful icon I have in my system tray because the Breeze theme doesn't have a monochromatic overlay for it. Getting one would make me very happy! Reproducible: Always
Git commit d37bf8586c469bfa34e5bca8ac1196f0ee6a3c0a by andreas kainz. Committed on 02/06/2016 at 22:10. Pushed by andreask into branch 'master'. add cantata system tray support A +- -- src/desktoptheme/breeze/icons/cantata.svgz
the plan is to fix also the other missing breeze icons for cantata, but therefore I need to talk to the developer and to find out the right icon names.