Bug 363449 - Profile settings in terminal panel not saved.
Summary: Profile settings in terminal panel not saved.
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 364336
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: panels: terminal (show other bugs)
Version: 16.12.2
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
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Reported: 2016-05-23 20:59 UTC by Cid Kramer
Modified: 2016-08-10 13:18 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Cid Kramer 2016-05-23 20:59:56 UTC
version: 16.04.1

Profile settings for the terminal panel are a mystery. There are no way to manage multiple profiles even though there is the option to switch profiles. The default profile does not save when settings are altered. I managed to trick Dolphin by replacing Linux.colorscheme in /usr/share/konsole/ but even then it behaves oddly.

Today I wanted to change my Konsole colorscheme. After I had switched the profile I went copy the colorscheme again to Linux.colorscheme to trick Dolphin. But in the intervening days it had decided to finally use my _old_ default profile in Konsole.

Again I resorted to modifying my old profile, this time in .local/share/konsole to trick Dolphin into using the settings I want.

As a further experiment I deleted the profile it was using to see if it would generate a new one but I find nothing on the filesystem....

This is my first bug report... erm.. hope the formatting and content are ok ^^

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open terminal panel in Dolphin
2. Edit current profile settings, eg. change colorscheme
3. Close and reopen Dolphin

Actual Results:  
The changes were not saved and the old ones were reverted.

Expected Results:  
I expected my new colorscheme to be there when i opened the Terminal panel :)
Comment 1 Wolfgang Bauer 2016-07-03 17:29:32 UTC
This was a bug in Konsole actually, and has been fixed today.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 364336 ***
Comment 2 jm-hotmail 2016-08-08 19:32:27 UTC
Was konsole updated?  I am running 15.12.3-20.1 under SuSE (the most and experiencing the non-retention issue.
Comment 3 Wolfgang Bauer 2016-08-10 11:58:34 UTC
(In reply to jm-hotmail from comment #2)
> Was konsole updated?  I am running 15.12.3-20.1 under SuSE (the most and
> experiencing the non-retention issue.

An update with this fix has been released today for openSUSE Leap 42.1 if that's what you are using.
Comment 4 jm-hotmail 2016-08-10 13:18:10 UTC
Mr. Bauer -

Yes, I saw it this morning and installed it on three workstations.  And I see from the change log that it addresses the issue (with your name on the two most recent changes), and similarly from a message from the SuSE update mailing list.

Thank you for your efforts to fix the profile issue.  Each time I called up Dolphin, I asked myself didn't I change that the last time?  After several of those of self-queries, I realized that something else was afoot and then found the bugzilla report.  But when I went into YaST, I saw that I had the latest version of Konsole installed (per the update servers) and hence my post two days ago.

Thanks again.

Joel Miller