As I have forgotten my password, I clicked on the link "Forgot my password", But for my surprise it took to long load, immediately I opened another tab too check that out if Internet speed is slow, but the result is negative. I managed to get that page quite after some time , when I filled the appropriate options in text-boxes, then I clicked on "Reset My Password" option and this took longer than the other. But once the same is loaded in second. I was able to open all other web-pages without any problem, I mean it is fast enough. Please check out this problem. I think I was clear enough. Need any further information, happy to respond. Reproducible: Always Expected Results: Web-Pages would have been loaded faster.
It seems the whole is too slow
As far as I can tell, Identity is performing perfectly fine. If you are using IPv6 please disable it, it is likely your IPv6 provider is faulty in regards to working with Incapsula - who currently frontend