The new gradient color feature in the title editor is awesome. However there's a few bugs in it: (1) It doesn't seem to be working when attempting to apply to rectangles (which it looks like in the git log that it was intended to include). (2) At first, I tried to use the dropdown box thinking that was how you selected or created a gradient, but when I clicked on it, the dropdown menu was blank. The icon to the right doesn't exactly exhibit to the user that it is the button to add a gradient. I suggest two things: (1) Changing the button icon to, say, the plus icon? And (2), Have something in the empty dropdown field by default that says something like "No gradients created" or "Click + to create a new gradient" -- whatever you feel works best. (3) The icon to the right of the gradient field when a rectangle is selected doesn't open the dialog box to create a new gradient. Reproducible: Always Bugs discovered while using the latest Kdenlive git master from kubuntu-ci/unstable.
I need to also add the following issues: (4) The preview of the title doesn't show properly in the clip monitor. (5) When you insert the title clip in the timeline, the colors aren't showing properly. The text and the rectangles are both black, not the solid or gradient colors I selected. (6) when re-opening a title clip I created in the title editor, the option for an already created gradient shows in the field for a rectangle, and I can select a gradient for it, but the color doesn't stay after I close the titler window -- it goes back to black (let me know if clarification is needed on this issue). Thanks!
Yes, that is a work in progress. I have submitted a patch to MLT that is still pending - hopefully should be merged in the next days - that makes it work correctly in the monitors / rendering. WIll let you know when the merge is done in MLT, would be interested by your feedback. It works quite nicely for me, I also added text shadow which was really missing.
Now merged in MLT's git master, so gradients and shadows should work fine.
Thanks JB for adding the patch. Seems to work fine now! I also appreciate you welcoming feedback on this new stuff. I'm always happy to help with new suggestions or ideas; whether you think they're best or not, I know it can be helpful to have a different set of eyes on the matter. :) I do have a few bugs, and some suggestions about these new gradient enhancements. Sorry if it seems a little lengthy; I like to be thorough so there's no ambiguity. The "B" is for bugs, and the "S" is for suggestions. Please let me know if there's any confusion about any of these. BUGS B - new titles don't work properly when compositing tracks. B - The align-left button is not correct; it's currently the align-right button. Should be align-left. B - In the "Gradient Editor" dialog window, when you select/highlight a gradient that's already been made, then edit its parameters, the changes don't affect the current profile selected/highlighted. They should be modifying the highlighted gradient instead of requiring the user to create a new gradient in order to apply the changes. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TITLE CLIP EDITOR W/ NEW GRADIENT FEATURES & CONTROLS/FUNCTIONS S - Have a way to make gradient apply to entire text field, OR each line individually. Currently, the gradient affects the entire text field only, not each individual line. A choice would be rather essential. S - Start new graidients off at numbers 1, not 0. Using 0 as a starting number is more programmer-esque. :) S - be able to modify the text shadow parameters? (blur level, direction, and how far the shadow is from the text itself). S - When there is no gradient profile already created, have the empty text field say something like "Select gradient profile", then, if it's empty/there are no profiles present, have a menu option in the dropdown menu that says "Create new profile" or "Create new gradient". When that text menu option is clicked, it opens up the Gradient profile editor. This would be more intuitive for many users and follow a natural progressing they're more than likely familiar with, I believe. You could have this in addition to the button you've already made. That way, users could find the feature easily via whatever course is most natural for them. S - I now understand better what you were trying to do with the icon to the right of the gradient selection field: You were having it open the "Gradient Profile Editor" (if that's the best name) for the purpose of creating AND editing gradients. Maybe change the "+" icon to the pencil icon, with the tooltip saying "Create & Edit Profiles" or "Create & Edit Gradients" or "Edit Gradient profiles" or "Gradient profiles"... something like that. (Sorry, I don't mean to be wishy washy about the icons. :) ) SUGGESTIONS FOR THE GRADIENT EDITOR DIALOG WINDOW S - Instinctively, after I make my gradient the way I want it, I go down and click OK, rather than clicking "+" to make a new profile. Obviously, clicking OK doesn't save the profile, or even edit the current profile I'd selected/highlighted. Consider that when a user makes a new gradient profile that they like by adjusting the parameters, and clicks "OK" (rather than clicking the "+" button), it creates a new profile by default, closes the gradient editing dialog window, then uses that profile automatically for the title text that was selected/highlighted. S - Maybe change the "Dialog" text at the top of the window to something like "Gradient Editor" or "Title Gradients" or "Text Gradients"... something a little more video editor-friendly, rather than technical or programmer speak. :) S - Maybe have a header above the gradient editing controls that says "Create new Gradient", then a header in between the new gradient controls and the already made gradient profiles saying "Current Gradient profiles" or something to let the user know these gradients are the ones that they have already made and saved in the past. This is just to help the user distinguish more easily what each section of the editing window is for. S - the sample letters look a little rough and jagged around the edges. Consider smoothing them out if possible? Would be one of those nice little polish things. S - maybe instead of the "+" button adding a profile with the currently active parameters chosen in the section above (with color 1, color 2, and angle), the user needs to click "+" to add a new profile FIRST, (with the default white to black values) and THEN edit its parameters in the controls above after it's been created, not before. Again, it would just seem more intuitive that way. Thanks for your time sir, as always!
Sorry, I should have been more descriptive about the first bug. When the title clip is in between two other clips in the timeline, like so, -------[video clip]-------- -------[title clip ]-------- -------[video clip]-------- and if the video clip has a position & zoom effect or a crop, scale and tilt effect on it, the project monitor will show black in the title clip's transparent areas, not the video clip that lies below it. Removing the video clip from the top track in the timeline shows the other two just fine, however. Let me know if any clarification is needed.
All of this said... I really, REALLY like all of the improvements and enhancements you've made to the title editor. With the much-added flexibility in customizing it, it really helps the editor to tailor the titles just the way they need it. If you want to see your recent changes in action, this is a marketing 3D video I just finished for my biggest clients. I figure it's always nice to see what your efforts with Kdenlive are doing to help us editors. :)
Thanks for the feedback, I enjoyed the 3D clip! The align left icon has been fixed. I still don't really understand the problem with track compositing. Could you post a screenshot of the timeline that produces the bug, and give more details about which effects are applied on which clips on which track ? I completely agree that the gradients UI sucks, hope to find time for that before the release.
Yeah definitely. I'll try and make a video for the bug and have it to you within 24 hours. I wouldn't say it sucks at all. Nothing wrong with a work-in-progress. You have a solid foundation, and that's great.
Well, regarding the track composite issue, I think it was just a broken project from working with it through the different build versions... or something... I dunno... but I can't reproduce the issue in the latest build. So I'd disregard the mention of it. :) I've also been testing the gradient UI upgrade. Very nice! Much more smooth in workflow. I like it!
Just one more suggestion and I'd satisfyingly set this bug as resolved: in the current master build, in the text properties tab of the title editor, you labeled the single font color field "Plain Color". Might I suggest considering to change it to "Solid Color"? It's a much more professional term and gives a better impression than "plain". Plain sounds visually unappealing.
Looks like all of the visual issues with displaying the gradients aren't present at all in the latest git master build via the kdenlive/kdenlive-master ppa for Ubuntu. Good stuff!
After reviewing an update of the most recent git build, I'm very pleased with the new Title Editor layout. Works Great! Thanks for all your hard work, guys!