digikam 4.14.0 I chosed unchecking "build subdirecotries from Prefix" like "jpg". I also chodes "building subdirectories based on date" own format with entry "yyyy-MM-dd" When I let it import a selection (or all) kde gives an error from klauncher "no call kio_digikamdates“ It is: "Prozess kann nicht gestartet werden: Aufruf des Ein-/Ausgabemoduls nicht möglich. klauncher meldet: Fehler beim Laden von „kio_digikamdates“ " - means: process not starable. Call to input/Output impossible. Klauncher gives: Error on loading „kio_digikamdates“ Indeed the pictures were not imported. Checking "build subdirectories" and everything works fine, but gives me subdirs like "jpg" and "avi" (of course). Additionally I made the inspect, that unchecking doesn't let digikam to show pics in the albums anymore. Tried to configure everything from the scratch. But that does not work. Gives the same.
Typical case where KDE KIO slaves provided by digiKam are broken by extra packages updates which break binary compatibility. ==> Packaging problem ! 5.0.0 drop all KIO-Slaves. So the problem will disappear definitively with this release. Gilles Caulier