Please let us change the color of conditional keywords like "if", "for", "while", etc in your next release! Please also add more schema. Please also add repository for kate color sachems to download. BTW, your RKWard is very very good compared to RStudio. It is our beliefs. Best, Ermia
did you try "settings" -> "configure editor" -> "font & colors" -> "highlighting text styles" -> chose "scripts/R script" from the dropdown menu? there's a value "control structure" that matches these conditional expressions. is this what you mean? could you give an example for what you mean by "more schema"? viele grüße :: m.eik
Hi! Thanks for you suggestion. As Meik has pointed out, this is already possible (if we understood you, correctly). However, this really is not easy to find out, right now. Accordingly I'll interpret this ticket as "make it easier to find custom highlighting color settings, etc.". Regards Thomas
Since RKWard 0.7.3, the settings are merged into a single dialog, and thus should be much easier to find.