Bug 360212 - Icon positions in folder view of the desktop are often scrambled after reboot or logout
Summary: Icon positions in folder view of the desktop are often scrambled after reboot...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 354802
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Desktop icons & Folder View widget (show other bugs)
Version: 5.5.5
Platform: Debian unstable Linux
: NOR major
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: Unassigned bugs mailing-list
: 346678 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2016-03-07 15:54 UTC by Florian Röhrer
Modified: 2024-10-23 05:26 UTC (History)
18 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

Comparison of the Icon config file with its backup (2.46 KB, text/plain)
2017-08-31 10:24 UTC, Florian Röhrer

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Florian Röhrer 2016-03-07 15:54:09 UTC
Very often if i log out from the system or reboot, the icon positions of the folder view are not saved. The icons are positioned in random places. It is really annoying to place them each time again on the right position.

Reproducible: Sometimes
Comment 1 vindicator 2016-04-16 03:03:48 UTC
Same: "upgraded plasma-framework (5.20.0-2 -> 5.21.0-1)"
Except I think it happens ALL of the time for me. I know, because I always have my trash at the bottom left corner and with every restart, I have to move it back.

Then on top of that, I can't have the widgets locked because that would block any icon "drag" from happening which is another posted bug.
Comment 2 Florian Röhrer 2016-05-27 06:06:16 UTC
For some time the scrambling of icons nearly disappeared. It only happened if the desktop widgets were not locked at shutdown. But in this time it was not possible to move the icons on the desktop while the widgets were locked. 

Since the last update of plasma (5.6.4) the icons are movable with locked widgets again, but now the scrambling of the icons occurs again. Would be nice if this would be fixed soon, because it is really annoying to rearrange the icons after every second reboot...
Comment 3 Florian Röhrer 2016-10-23 18:05:01 UTC
This bug is still present in Plasma 5.8.2, although i went a little bit better.
Comment 4 Stephan Karacson 2017-02-06 18:35:01 UTC
The problem was away a short time, but since the last update to 5.8.5-r1 (kde-plasma/plasma-desktop gentoo) it is back again.
Option "Symbols/Sort by/Name" has no effect and is not remembered.

Sometimes it semms sorted just on the main level, but not in the deepers any more.
Comment 5 Sebastian Ernst 2017-02-18 17:15:38 UTC
I can confirm this behavior on multiple rather different machines running openSUSE Leap 42.2 (Plasma Framework 5.27.0, Plasma Desktop/Workspace 5.8.3). 

Reproduce: Configure the desktop using "Folder View" as its layout, set icons sorting to "unsorted". Place a couple for files and folders in random positions across the desktop. Log out and log back in again (or reboot, alternatively). 

Expected result: Desktop icons remain in their given positions. 

Actual result: Some, but not necessarily all, icons loose their original position and end up in the desktop's top row. Repeat the log out/in procedure, and even more icons loose their position (weird). 

I filed a bug downstream against openSUSE: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=956334

There actually quite a few people including myself who organize their workflows by sorting files and folders on their desktop visually (into specific positions) and therefore rely on this to work flawlessly. Plasma randomly forgetting about icon positions on a desktop is therefore a bit of a showstopper.
Comment 6 Sebastian Ernst 2017-02-22 10:49:21 UTC
It just happened to me again. 25 folders, 30 files - one of each remained in its position, no obvious pattern explaining why those two and nothing else. ~70% of the icons ended up in alphabetical order in the top two rows. The remaining ~30% ended up in _random_ order in the third row (wtf?!?). Before I rebooted, there were not any icons arranged in these top three rows - they were empty. This behavior is *really* annoying.

Some additional info: no other widgets on the desktop, desktop tools (the button in the top left corner of the desktop) switched off, mini programs and taskbar items locked, icon size on the desktop set to level 3 (on the slider in the options dialog counted from left to right) out of 6, which corresponds to about 32x32 pixels I believe. One, sometimes two screens. "Folder view" is only activated on the left, primary, screen at a resolution of 1920x1080. The right hand screen is "optional", I do not use it all the time - it is a 1280x1024 resolution screen, rotated 90° clockwise. Whether or not I use my second screen or turn it on/off between log-ins and/or reboots does not matter. The icon scrambling happens independently of any changes here. On another machine with only one screen all the time at 1920x1080, I can observe the same behavior. Both machines run with an NVidia graphics cards and the (latest) NVidia graphics driver. On a third machine, also running openSUSE Leap 42.2 (Plasma Framework 5.27.0, Plasma Desktop/Workspace 5.8.3), two screens permanently, folder view only switched on on the primary left screen, but with an AMD graphics card and the corresponding open source driver, I can rarely observe the scrambling behavior. 

I'd be more than happy to debug this and/or provide further information, though I do not know where to start. I somehow suspect that it is related to screen resolutions, mode setting and NVidia cards ... so maybe I find a way to reproduce it. I'd appreciate some help.
Comment 7 Florian Röhrer 2017-05-28 15:31:11 UTC
Is this bug gonna be fixed eventually? It is getting really annoying. I don't want to rearrange my Desktop icons at least once a week. To keep the icon positions on the desktop at fixed positions is a basic feature of each desktop environment. I don't change my screen settings ever (resolution, monitor settings...) and nevertheless this behavior occurs very often but in random timing. I can't figure out any events that could perhaps trigger it.
Comment 8 Florian Röhrer 2017-07-23 18:09:19 UTC
still not fixed! Is anybody working on this? My first report of the bug was more than one year ago!
Comment 9 Eike Hein 2017-07-24 08:45:41 UTC
We're going to need to get in touch with you somehow (perhaps get access to your system, or walk you through debugging) to find out what's going on. This is not a widely reported bug (i.e.: it does not happen on most machines), so there's something special going on. Most likely an extra resolution change or other resize during startup.
Comment 10 Pasha 2017-07-25 12:42:07 UTC
This also happens with Plasma no improvements up to now.
Many people are affected, few are joining this bug tracking list.
Comment 11 firewalker 2017-08-11 08:51:36 UTC
This is also present in plasma 5.10.4 It is really annoying and frustrating. After a crash (witch an often thing for plasma 5), or a reboot/logout (not always), the icon in folder view gets scrambled.

I usually backup the file ~.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and restore it in order to avoid manually restoring the icons positions.

Why is this still unconfirmed?

Comment 12 firewalker 2017-08-20 11:26:37 UTC
How can we set a "trap" to see what is accessing the config file plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.

Ideally monitoring the part of the icon posistions for changes.
Comment 13 Florian Röhrer 2017-08-20 13:23:50 UTC
I figured out this problem occurs most of the time, if i shutdown my system directly from within plasma (Application launcher -> Leave -> Shut down). I can greatly reduce the frequency of occurrence if i first just log out from plasma (Application launcher -> Leave -> Logout) to end up in the sddm login screen. Then i change to a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + F1), login as root and shutdown the system with "shutdown -h now". It still happens sometimes this way but not quit as often as otherwise. Of course, this should not be a long time solution to the problem. This has to be fixed and i would be happy to help with that. Just let me know if you need any additional information from me.
Comment 14 firewalker 2017-08-20 16:41:15 UTC
I made the file org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc read only. The problem still occurred, and the file was unchanged. The icon positions was correct in the file, but not placed according to it.

This shows to me that at some point the function responsible for the positioning of the icons when in folder view, fails to read the part with the icon coordinates from the config.

To the users facing this problem. Do you use icons with names including national (non Latin alphabet) characters?
Comment 15 Pasha 2017-08-30 16:06:42 UTC
Hello, I also noticed that logouts partially mitigate the problem but its occourring remains unpredictable.

About filenames for icons/files (I run on "folders view" setting) I carefully avoid non ASCII characters as a best practice since ages.

Btw, how can this annoying bug still bear the "UNCONFIRMED" status is a mystery...
Comment 16 Eike Hein 2017-08-31 08:51:16 UTC
FWIW: Whether the names consider non-ASCII characters or not will have zero impact, please don't needlessly go out of your way to avoid them. It's just superstition.

Btw, how can this annoying bug still bear the "UNCONFIRMED" status is a mystery...

Because I haven't been able to confirm or reproduce it. The status doesn't really matter though, I see the ticket and get emails either way.

To make progress on this I need to work with one of the affected people more closely and get debug data from their system.
Comment 17 firewalker 2017-08-31 09:56:54 UTC
Please! Fell free to instruct us as to what exactly we need to do in order to help you. Rebuild packets with Debug enabled? What packets? 

Can you tell us what packet/process/function places icons on the desktop during KDE loading, in order to set debug (Qdebug) "traps"? I tried to locate my self, running through the plasma shell code, but it was more complicated than I expected.

I believe that the process fails to read part of the file with the icons coordinates. At least partially
Comment 18 Florian Röhrer 2017-08-31 10:18:18 UTC
It just happend again and since I have stored a backup of the file ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc in my home folder before the last shutdown of my system, I used this opportunity to compare the two files. As you can see, they are obviously different. So it seems like some process is altering the file content which describes the icon positions at system shutdowns. Here is the comparison:

Florian@linux-vaio-tumbleweed:~> diff /home/Florian/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc /home/Florian/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
< positions=8,20,desktop:/Universe Cluster 2.desktop,1,4,desktop:/Unmount PC Hard Drive.desktop,1,5,desktop:/FPGA,6,18,desktop:/WhatsApp.desktop,5,1,desktop:/Data,6,17,desktop:/Radio Arabella.desktop,0,18,desktop:/Signalverarbeit_950289968_(S17)-20170820.zip,0,19,desktop:/Dolphin - root.desktop,0,16,desktop:/Ark.desktop,7,0,desktop:/Physik MSc Fächer,0,17,desktop:/trash.desktop,1,2,desktop:/TUMOnline,1,3,desktop:/Home.desktop,1,0,desktop:/Samsung CLX-3305FN Druckerstatus,1,1,desktop:/Network,2,0,desktop:/Universe Cluster.desktop,4,0,desktop:/MakeMKV,0,10,desktop:/Mount LRZ Webdisk.desktop,0,11,desktop:/kinfocenter.desktop,0,8,desktop:/LibreOffice.desktop,0,9,desktop:/Oracle VM VirtualBox.desktop,0,14,desktop:/Unmount LRZ Webdisk,1,15,desktop:/parallel.pdf,0,15,desktop:/Questions.txt,7,16,desktop:/Mount PC Hard Drive.desktop,0,12,desktop:/Network.txt,0,13,desktop:/collectNWData-master.zip,0,2,desktop:/collectNWData-master,0,3,desktop:/Dropbox,0,0,desktop:/Latex,0,1,desktop:/Entertain TV.xspf,0,6,desktop:/GIMP.desktop,0,7,desktop:/Signalverarbeit_950289968_(S17)-20170820,0,4,desktop:/Studium,0,5,desktop:/Windows 7 Ultimate.desktop,1,6,desktop:/Yast.desktop,3,0
> positions=10,20,desktop:/collectNWData-master,0,3,desktop:/collectNWData-master.zip,0,2,desktop:/trash.desktop,1,16,desktop:/MakeMKV,0,1,desktop:/kinfocenter.desktop,0,0,desktop:/Latex,7,15,desktop:/LibreOffice.desktop,2,1,desktop:/parallel.pdf,0,5,desktop:/Network,2,0,desktop:/Network.txt,0,4,desktop:/Radio Arabella.desktop,4,1,desktop:/Signalverarbeit_950289968_(S17)-20170820.zip,7,18,desktop:/Universe Cluster.desktop,4,0,desktop:/Physik MSc Fächer,7,17,desktop:/Questions.txt,7,16,desktop:/TUMOnline,6,1,desktop:/GIMP.desktop,6,0,desktop:/Mount LRZ Webdisk.desktop,0,15,desktop:/Mount PC Hard Drive.desktop,0,14,desktop:/Oracle VM VirtualBox.desktop,8,0,desktop:/Dolphin - root.desktop,0,16,desktop:/Dropbox,6,15,desktop:/Samsung CLX-3305FN Druckerstatus,1,1,desktop:/Home.desktop,1,0,desktop:/Entertain TV.xspf,3,1,desktop:/Signalverarbeit_950289968_(S17)-20170820,6,19,desktop:/Yast.desktop,3,0,desktop:/FPGA,6,18,desktop:/Data,6,17,desktop:/Studium,6,16,desktop:/WhatsApp.desktop,5,1,desktop:/Universe Cluster 2.desktop,5,0,desktop:/Ark.desktop,7,0,desktop:/Unmount LRZ Webdisk,1,15,desktop:/Unmount PC Hard Drive.desktop,1,14,desktop:/Windows 7 Ultimate.desktop,9,0
Comment 19 Florian Röhrer 2017-08-31 10:20:09 UTC
> positions=10,20,desktop:/collectNWData-master,0,3,desktop:/collectNWData-master.zip,0,2,desktop:/trash.desktop,1,16,desktop:/MakeMKV,0,1,desktop:/kinfocenter.desktop,0,0,desktop:/Latex,7,15,desktop:/LibreOffice.desktop,2,1,desktop:/parallel.pdf,0,5,desktop:/Network,2,0,desktop:/Network.txt,0,4,desktop:/Radio Arabella.desktop,4,1,desktop:/Signalverarbeit_950289968_(S17)-20170820.zip,7,18,desktop:/Universe Cluster.desktop,4,0,desktop:/Physik MSc Fächer,7,17,desktop:/Questions.txt,7,16,desktop:/TUMOnline,6,1,desktop:/GIMP.desktop,6,0,desktop:/Mount LRZ Webdisk.desktop,0,15,desktop:/Mount PC Hard Drive.desktop,0,14,desktop:/Oracle VM VirtualBox.desktop,8,0,desktop:/Dolphin - root.desktop,0,16,desktop:/Dropbox,6,15,desktop:/Samsung CLX-3305FN Druckerstatus,1,1,desktop:/Home.desktop,1,0,desktop:/Entertain TV.xspf,3,1,desktop:/Signalverarbeit_950289968_(S17)-20170820,6,19,desktop:/Yast.desktop,3,0,desktop:/FPGA,6,18,desktop:/Data,6,17,desktop:/Studium,6,16,desktop:/WhatsApp.desktop,5,1,desktop:/Universe Cluster 2.desktop,5,0,desktop:/Ark.desktop,7,0,desktop:/Unmount LRZ Webdisk,1,15,desktop:/Unmount PC Hard Drive.desktop,1,14,desktop:/Windows 7 Ultimate.desktop,9,0
Comment 20 Florian Röhrer 2017-08-31 10:24:03 UTC
Created attachment 107613 [details]
Comparison of the Icon config file with its backup

Sorry, for some reason, I can not post the whole output. I attached a textfile with it.
Comment 21 firewalker 2017-08-31 10:40:26 UTC
The file changes content after the fact. In my case at least. I have the file permissions as Read Only.
Comment 22 Pasha 2017-09-02 13:33:36 UTC
OK, so please tell us what sorta debug you need and we'll provide it.
Comment 23 Jon 2017-09-02 23:36:47 UTC
I have this problem also.  I have experienced it over several different versions  of openSuse running KDE over the last few years.  Sometimes it goes away for a few months.  I assume it returns after an update but have no information on that.

Currently openSuse Leap 42.3, KDE Plasma 5.8.7, Frameworks 5.32.0
Kernel 4.4.79-19-default.  It was not happening after first upgrading to Leap 42.3 and started reoccurring sometime in August.
Only 2 of my icons move on startup.  I use plasma widget in upper left corner of screen to select "configure desktop" -> "Icons" -> "Lock in Place".  It is  configured for Rows, Left, Unsorted.  It moves 2 of my icons (one is the Trash folder) from the 3rd row to the first row, leaving empty spaces where they are usually placed, icons in rows below do not move up to fill the empty space.

Reading other comments, I do reset the display on startup because it defaults to a size based on my monitor specs and it is too hard for me to read.  I reset from default 1920x1080 and I reset it to 1680x1050.

I reset the screen in autostart by running command xrandr -s "1680x1050"

I have not yet tried the logout and shutdown from tty but will try that on next shutdown.
Comment 24 Karol Grudziński 2017-10-07 17:00:29 UTC
I also have this problem. And like other people mentioned earlier, it looks like during its startup, Plasma just "gaves up" on loading icon positions and puts them in random order. Maybe problem is IO-bound because if I kill Plasma (by e.g. ctrl+alt+backspace) and start it again, I can see that icons are in their correct positions. So my "solution" for months is to make file 'plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc' 'read only' and make it writable only when I add new dir/file on desktop so Plasma can save positions for new items.

It really surprises me that such basic functionality isn't working. I use Linux and KDE since 2003 and I've never have any problems with it until Plasma 5 came to existence. Even Nepomuk related mess in KDE 4 wasn't annoying so much.
Comment 25 Jon 2017-10-08 20:37:00 UTC
Referring to comment #24 by Karol, this did not work for me.  On restart it rearranged my icons alpha-sorted rather than the no sort arrangement I previously had.  I prefer no-sort, arranged as I place them.  This would be a good solution if I wanted alphabetic sorting.

What does work, most but not every time, is to use the technique in comment #13 by Florian.  Logout & shift to tty root session and shutdown.  Very inconvenient but not as bad as rearranging the icons when they move.

Describing my desktop:  I have 16 icons arranged in 3 columns on the left edge of 7 per/column, 2 only in 3rd column.  My Plasma settings are for arrange in column on left, lock in place, unsorted.  I use KDE Plasma 5.8.7, Frameworks 5.32.0
Comment 26 Karol Grudziński 2017-10-08 21:40:46 UTC
Just to clarify. Everyday (actually 99.8% of days) start of my work looks like this:
1. power on computer
2. watch normal system init
3. wait for sddm to start (it is incredibly slow, I miss superfast kdm :-( )
4. login
5. Plasma starts with messed-up icons
6. press ctrl+alt+backspace
7. login
8. Plasma starts with icons in correct positions

I usually just shutdown my computer but I will try today Florian's solution.
Comment 27 Pasha 2017-10-09 09:37:09 UTC
Hello everybody,

I upgraded from 5.8 to 5.10 yesterday, but got no improvement.
I already asked which debug info should I provide, but there was no hint/answer.
Here classic Ctrl-Alt-Backspace does not work, but also logoff-logon doesn't.
I can also confirm that, since KDE2 to KDE4 I never encountered such a problem.
Also, when you open your workspace and those icons you carefully ordered last time are all messed up, it is not a "beautiful feeling".

My sensation is that our friend Eike has no real interest in squashing this annoying bug. Can you confirm this Eike, or are you finally willing to cooperate with us to show the opposite?
Comment 28 firewalker 2017-10-09 10:26:10 UTC
In order to restore the icons, I kill "plasmashell" and start it again (Alt+F2 -> plasmashell).
Comment 29 Eike Hein 2017-10-10 13:06:43 UTC
> My sensation is that our friend Eike has no real interest in squashing this annoying bug. Can you confirm this Eike, or are you finally willing to cooperate with us to show the opposite?

Let me get this straight - you're using my software, which I wrote for you and which you're using for free, and you think you get to be entitled and guilt me about things, without giving any regard to whether I might be legitimately busy with other things? You're a nice person indeed.

I do have interest in fixing this, but I currently can't commit to a timeframe, no. We have hundreds of thousands of lines of code and many things to do on them, with very little manpower.
Comment 30 Pasha 2017-10-11 10:03:27 UTC
OK, I assume you have good will.

I think that you're right about being under pressure, and nobody questions the importance of your work, neither the fact that you're understaffed in accomplishing certain tasks.

Nevertheless, this bug has been floating kinda one year and a half, and with all the people who have taken their time writing here, plus those who left KDE5 just because "it messes icons up" without even knowing there was this place to signal it properly, I think you will agree they need to know if the issue will be addressed or not.

Some recent insights by people writing here, who also spent their valuable time to help you making better and better software, may have paved the way about where to look in order to squash this annoying bug quickly.

As you see, the community is on your side, so it's just matter to tell us what we can do in order to help you to fix things and make them better.
Comment 31 Sergey Malkin 2017-12-07 18:26:17 UTC
(In reply to Eike Hein from comment #9)
> We're going to need to get in touch with you somehow (perhaps get access to
> your system, or walk you through debugging) to find out what's going on.

Can I help you with this? I'm experiencing this problem too, and I'm willing to help with debugging.
Comment 32 edisonalvaringo 2017-12-25 04:33:52 UTC
I can confirm this behaviour on OpenSuse Tumbleweed, even if I set KDe to remember last session, it will remember open applications and windows positions, but it won't remember icon positions which makes no sense.
Comment 33 Florian L 2018-04-18 08:52:48 UTC
I experienced this problem as well on Linux Mint 18.3.

The problem began when I enabled automatic mounting of removable media. Now that I've disabled it again, the problem seems to have gone away.
Comment 34 firewalker 2018-04-18 09:17:29 UTC
I have the automatic mounting option disabled. It was never enabled. I don;t think it is relevant.
Comment 35 Florian L 2018-04-20 09:00:28 UTC
(In reply to firewalker from comment #34)
> I have the automatic mounting option disabled. It was never enabled. I don;t
> think it is relevant.

You're right, I spoke too soon.
Comment 36 firewalker 2018-06-16 09:05:00 UTC
With plasma-workspace-5.13.0-1, things got worse. In folder view mode, I can no longer change anything in my desktop. It always starts with a black wallpaper with the icons in rows. I can't even move the in arbitrary places. I can adjust my desktop but it will not keep the settings.

It seems plasma-workspace-5.13.0-1 completely ignores the plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc config file.
Comment 37 firewalker 2018-06-16 09:56:54 UTC
I solved the issue by scraping the config file (plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc) and start setting my desktop all over again. It seems that is solves this bug? To soon to be sure.
Comment 38 Pasha 2018-06-18 07:59:58 UTC
Please keep us informed if it works, if you can confirm I will do the same and try it. It looks too good to be true.

Nevertheless, it's now obvious that we have been left on our own.
Comment 39 firewalker 2018-06-18 16:50:29 UTC
Bug still present with version 5.13.0. After a reboot icons got scrambled again and the config file got overwritten with the icons in the scrambled positions.

Back to making the file read-only and restarting plasmashell when it happens.
Comment 40 Valdo 2018-09-20 20:49:55 UTC
Same bug here (Plasma Framework 5.44.0, that's 30 months since it was reported by Florian) and I fear I will end up crazy because of it...

Reacting to some past comments:

- Comment 6 (Sebastian Ernst): nothing to do with NVidia GPUs I believe, my PC being equipped with an AMD one (Radeon R7 370). My resolution: 1920x1200. Single screen display. Natural orientation (landscape) that I never change.

- Comment 14 (firewalker): of course I do use national - non ASCII - characters, that's the aim of UTF-8 encoding. I can't imagine an operating system in 2018 not supporting correctly UTF-8 (although that can still happen here and there, but that's a shame nowadays). This is an interesting question however, because I have the feeling - so far - that depending on the name of the first file/icon present at the top/left of my desktop, this bug goes into action or not. Precisely, folders containing either a dash or a parenthesis in their name SEEM to trigger the bug. I'm not 100% sure, so I'll try sticking to a "conventional" naming for the 1st file/folder/icon and see if the bug still scrambles my desktop icons or not... (probably a bad bet ^^)

- Comment 30 (Pasha): nothing to add. This bug has been disregarded/set aside/considered as "low priority" for too long. That makes me think of Firefox bug (feature request) 469421 that was opened 10 years ago (yes, years!) and never implemented since then... How many "improvements" were brought into Firefox since then? Tons of them. But users begging for such a common-sense feature were left aside for that long anyway...

@Eike: your first comment (July 2017) was announcing the need to get in touch with some users. Was that done? HOW CAN WE HELP YOU investigate this annoying bug?...
Comment 41 Karol Grudziński 2018-09-20 22:13:19 UTC
Since my last comment (about a year ago) I bought a new computer, I use a different distro, I didn't copy any Plasma related config files to $HOME and I still get that bug. It happens far less often than before but it still happens from time to time.
Comment 42 Valdo 2018-09-23 17:52:32 UTC
(In reply to Valdo from comment #40)
> This is an interesting
> question however, because I have the feeling - so far - that depending on
> the name of the first file/icon present at the top/left of my desktop, this
> bug goes into action or not. Precisely, folders containing either a dash or
> a parenthesis in their name SEEM to trigger the bug. I'm not 100% sure, so
> I'll try sticking to a "conventional" naming for the 1st file/folder/icon
> and see if the bug still scrambles my desktop icons or not... (probably a
> bad bet ^^)
"Bad bet" did I say, and I was right :) It took no long before this bug stroke again. So, as a conclusion, the naming of the first icon (top/left) has nothing to do with the triggering of the bug.
Comment 43 Patrick Silva 2018-09-29 00:06:38 UTC
*** Bug 346678 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 44 Pasha 2018-10-01 13:51:56 UTC
Dear Friends, please accept the reality: this bug will NEVER be fixed!
It is almost 3 years that it has been signalled and the assignee has done half of nothing, except for badly reacting to all the people who asked for some commitment.

Unless it will be assigned to someone else, do not expect any solution for the next 10+ years. So either change DE or live with it (I got sadly used to a fucked up desktop).
Comment 45 Ettore Atalan 2018-10-01 18:56:57 UTC
Business as Usual for KDE.

Absolutely amazing that KDE still has users.
Comment 46 Christoph Feck 2018-10-01 20:10:09 UTC
Reassigning this ticket to someone who seems to be able to understand how to fix this issue.
Comment 47 vindicator 2018-10-01 20:28:47 UTC
Feck, shame on you for that passive-aggressive post and assignee change.
Pasha, like many other frustrated people expressed their issue based on previous interactions.

Hein said they need to work with an affected person, and Pasha as well as other people have offered to work with Hein, but with no acceptance by Hein of those offers.

If you have an issue with Pasha's comment, express that directly and specifically. Dispute what they said if you like, but moves like that is quite immature and not acceptable.
Comment 48 Christoph Feck 2018-10-01 21:09:22 UTC
I will not re-assign this ticket to Plasma developers if users are trolling them with comments such as comment 44 and comment #45. They are not interested to read those.

If you find someone who is able to address the issue, please re-assign.
Comment 49 vindicator 2018-10-01 21:24:30 UTC
Feck, I agree that those comments add nothing to pushing this forward, however Pasha specifically shows interest in providing information needed to getting this bug fixed: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=360212#c22

Are you making the claim that Hein was not, or currently is no longer "able to" address this issue?
Are you stating that no one else associated with KDE is able to address this issue?

I get that no one cares to be bashed by anyone else, but I'm guessing they feel no avenue has been left for them.
They opened the bug. They offered to aid in troubleshooting and have even taken it upon themselves to try things they thought might fix the issue or at least a workaround.
But when there is no further developer interaction, they feel that is all they have left. And all it did was provoke you into making your post and changing the assignee, which also does nothing to add to resolving this bug.
Comment 50 Christoph Feck 2018-10-01 21:38:05 UTC
The claim that this bug could not be resolved without changing the assignee was not made by me.

Au contraire, I am pretty sure Plasma developers are able to fix it if they are able to reproduce it. Previous comments unfortunately seem to indicate that the issue is random, and not reproducible, and it is not clear yet which configuration or events could cause it. It could be related to initial screen resolution changes when kscreen starts, but that's not clear from the comments.

I suggest to keep an eye on this issue. If you find configuration files or situations where this is reproducible, please add your findings and I will add a Plasma developer for further inspection.
Comment 51 David Edmundson 2018-10-01 22:48:35 UTC
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 354802 ***
Comment 52 Pasha 2018-10-02 23:04:53 UTC
Christoph, let's be honest: it's almost three years that we claim that there is a bug and that we offer our availability in terms of time and effort to correct it, and three years that the former assignee did whatever on this planet but taking care of the issue, and just responding with stuff like "hey, you are using my software! how dare you!".

We obviously need some guidance, as you can read through the history, many people tried to do something but without a successful result. Here the issue is not random, I get it almost at every reboot. And I bet that with many others it is the same.

Personally I hope that moving to bug 354802 will sort out better results. But, please, don't whine if we call someone on his rotten behaviour. And, btw, as you can see, maybe this moved things a bit forward.
Comment 53 firewalker 2024-10-23 05:26:01 UTC
For me it happens every time I have external monitors connected and I am suspending and waking the system. 
