Pressing the Back button on a mouse should go "Up" one level when in a Panel. I think it might even work to have the Back button close the current popup when using the cascading popups. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Place Folder applet in panel 2. Click Folder applet 3. Navigate to subfolder 4. Press Back button on your mouse Actual Results: Nothing happens Expected Results: The view goes up one level
I tried and I couldn't reproduce. Also by "Back" button you mean "Up", right?
No, some computer mice have additional buttons, one of which can be a back button. This is supported in Kickoff, Dolphin and other places but not FolderView.
Git commit 5f42b3b5dabfed2dd002d355a2c6ef05198d2752 by Eike Hein. Committed on 09/02/2016 at 06:18. Pushed by hein into branch 'master'. Take a stab at back button (mouse & keyboard) support in panel popups. Kai, please test as I don't have a mouse. M +16 -2 containments/desktop/package/contents/ui/FolderView.qml
Confirmed as fixed by Kai.