Bug 358661 - Merge Title Bars and Tabs? (design mock-ups included)
Summary: Merge Title Bars and Tabs? (design mock-ups included)
Alias: None
Product: kdenlive
Classification: Applications
Component: User Interface & Miscellaneous (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Vincent PINON
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Reported: 2016-01-27 23:32 UTC by Unknown
Modified: 2016-08-30 16:59 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

Kdenlive current title bars and tabbed layout (711.99 KB, image/png)
2016-01-27 23:33 UTC, Unknown
Proposed improved "Title Tabs" (or whatever you want to call them) (151.11 KB, image/jpeg)
2016-01-27 23:34 UTC, Unknown

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Description Unknown 2016-01-27 23:32:48 UTC
See attached images that will be included in this report. Consider merging the Title Bars and Tabs? Benefits would be:

(1) Reduces redundancy when Title Bars are showing (currently the widget name appears in the title bar and the widget tab. Combining these would condense it into one, possibly confusing the user as to why there are two instances of the name)
(2) Frees up screen real estate
(3) The "Show Title Bar" option in the View menu could be changed to "Show Tab Details", which, when enabled, would simply add the Close and Diamond-looking icon to the tab, placed to the right of the Title text.
(4) Generate more new user interest. Many of the video editors familiar with Adobe Premiere, which is the 2nd most popular Industry editor, would find this much more familiar. I also think this layout would be less ambiguous and more comfortable for users.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Unknown 2016-01-27 23:33:29 UTC
Created attachment 96877 [details]
Kdenlive current title bars and tabbed layout
Comment 2 Unknown 2016-01-27 23:34:02 UTC
Created attachment 96878 [details]
Proposed improved "Title Tabs" (or whatever you want to call them)
Comment 3 Wegwerf 2016-01-28 17:18:24 UTC
One thing that immediately comes to my mind when seeing your mock-up: you've lost the ability to pop out a pane. I would suspect that the current pane handling is in fact imposed by KF5 and designed to be this way.
Comment 4 Unknown 2016-01-28 20:17:48 UTC
@wegerf, yeah I didn't include the pop-out buttons because, frankly, I have no idea how to use the pop-out feature, practically. I'm not saying don't include them, I just didn't have them in the mock-up.

Maybe there can be a different way to enable/disable the ability to arrange the layout; I just feel like having the title bars and tabs is redundant and takes up more screen real estate than needs to be used.
Comment 5 Vincent PINON 2016-01-28 20:26:07 UTC
We had this idea in mind, see
(maybe not so explicit)
Maybe this weekend??
Comment 6 Unknown 2016-01-28 20:47:05 UTC
Hey Vincent,

In the link was this bullet point: "Always display tabs as titles => better alignment between panels, drag tabs".

That was exactly the idea I was going for in this report. Did you all already discuss this at a previous time and determine that something similar was a good direction for tabs/titles?
Comment 7 Vincent PINON 2016-01-28 20:52:42 UTC
Yes, was during the UI review with the KDE Visual Design Group guys.
They didn't like the redundancy and misalignment between panes with/without tabs, so we agreed it all should be in tabs. Tabs should be drag-able to allow undocking, but don't simple/tedious it will be.
Comment 8 Unknown 2016-01-28 20:58:02 UTC
Sounds great. I second everything you just wrote. :)
Comment 9 Wegwerf 2016-08-07 16:34:25 UTC
Jesse, is this feature request still valid? I'm not exactly clear as to your final comment as to whether we can close this report?
Comment 10 Unknown 2016-08-08 01:53:38 UTC
Wegwerf, yessir, still valid. The latest git master build shows that tabs can not be re-located to top/bottom/left side/right side, but that still doesn't address the title tabs causing redundancy as well as taking up unnecessary real estate. So yes I would still like to request this be looked at further.
Comment 11 Wegwerf 2016-08-08 05:29:18 UTC
Jesse, on which Qt version are you? On Ubuntu 16.04 with backports, tab can be chosen to be either top, bottom, left, or roght.
Comment 12 Unknown 2016-08-10 23:49:54 UTC
Wegwerf, I'm on Qt 5.5.1, Ubuntu 16.04 x64 Unity 7.4.0. 

You can configure the tab position, yes, but the Title bars are enabled by default, so there is still redundancy and all the other issues I mentioned. You also can't click+drag the tabs like you would expect on many other programs. What I'm proposing is to consider making the tabs behave more like they do in a program like Premiere, to name one.
Comment 13 Unknown 2016-08-30 16:59:09 UTC
So, an interesting change has occurred, which I'd noticed after testing the latest git master build in Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 beta. Tabs and title bars now behave differently: When a widget isn't tabbed, the Title bar appears like normal. When a widget is grouped, the Title bar no longer appears, and you can click+drag the tab, which moves the widget around the layout.

This behavior works for me, personally, so I'm going to close this bug and mark it as resolved/fixed.

Versions of Qt, Kdenlive and KDE Frameworks at the moment of bug closure:
Kdenlive - 16.11.70 git master via ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-master
Qt - 5.6.1
KDE Frameworks - 5.24.0
Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 (x64 beta) w/ GNOME 3.20 desktop environment.