When I launch ark, then close it with wm close button, I can still see ark process alive in system processes. Launching several time ark, then closing all ark windows, results in several ark processes still alive in system. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. killall ark 2. launch several ark instances 3. close all ark instances using window manager button (or File->Exit, or CTRL-Q) 3. pgrep "^ark$" Actual Results: pgrep returns several PIDs of running ark instances Expected Results: no ark PIDs should appear
Can you check what's the version of the kxmlgui package? (Not sure about the correct name on Kubuntu). This is a known bug with Ark < 15.12 + KXMLGui = 5.17
$ dpkg -l libkf5xmlgui* Voluto=U (non noto)/I (installato)/R (rimosso)/P (rimosso totale)/H (in attesa) | Stato=Non/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(nessuno)/R (reinstallazione richiesta) (Stato,Err: maiuscolo=grave) ||/ Nome Versione Architettura Descrizione +++-====================================-=======================-=======================-============================================================================= ii libkf5xmlgui-bin 5.18.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu1 amd64 User configurable main windows. ii libkf5xmlgui-data 5.18.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu1 all User configurable main windows. ii libkf5xmlgui5:amd64 5.18.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu1 amd64 User configurable main windows.
Yep, that explains it. Possible solutions: 1. Wait for/Install Ark 15.12 2. Ask Kubuntu to backport the fix to Ark 15.08 3. Downgrade to libkxmlgui 5.16
Btw I asked on the #kubuntu-devel IRC channel and they told me that either Ark 15.12 or a backport for ark 15.08.3 should land soon in Kubuntu repos. Closing this report as fixed.
Thank you so much, this was better than an enterprise support ;)