kdenlive 15.12. kdenlive is not crash, but is bad render out. kdenlive 15.12 works as perfect. for bad render? example mxf speed is normal and render out (any format: mp4, mpeg2, avi, etc) then speed is high like as 200% over than normal video, without used effects. so i did tested Shotcut version 15.12.03, with my same mxf and render, speed is normal.. this is correct speed. shotuct uses ffmpeg 2.7.x and melt 0.9.9 so i did tested kdenlive 0.9.10 WITH ffmpeg 2.7.x, with my same mxf and render, speed is normal.. so i did tested kdenlive 0.9.10 WITH ffmpeg 2.8.x, with my same mxf and render, speed is HIGH same than kdenlive 15.12 with ffmpeg 2.8.x so i cant to test kdenlive WITH ffmpeg 2.7.x...for to know is works or not works...i cant.. then problem is kdenlive with ffmpeg, maybe with melt.. but i did convert with ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i AAA.MXF -c copy BBB.MXF open kdenlive 15.12 with ffmpeg 2.8.x import BBB.MXF and render out, speed is HIGH.. result of render out: the video time is 100% = 50% for high speed, 50% for frozen.. to be correct: the video time is 100% = 100% note: I will can send you file footage MXF but contact me email private ok? thank you Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.import file mxf 2.render out, any format 3.file render is bad speed like as high speed..
hello now, there is file footage original from canon xf105 MXF https://mega.nz/#!vpxUWToJ!cL4a3rtGfznHXJM-P03domBYLBKav3kQUoDuJ3QMVOE
hello i add here link for other MXF footage original, this link mxf there is object motion. will be helpful for team develops kdenlive to testing ok? link: https://mega.nz/#!D0ojBJQA!W476CDKWyBbDgQWucTaQt0WDBr8OmvJX9tT20Wdt8oM
Hi, Thanks for your report. I just checked and your video files and it works correctly for me. This is probably a problem in your FFmpeg or MLT version. You can test in the command line: melt yourclip.MXF -consumer avformat:test.mp4 It will encode the file through mlt and produce a test.mp4 converted file. Does this file also have the speed problem ?
hi ok, i follow you: melt AA092801.MXF -consumer avformat:test.mp4 video play: speed is normal melt 0.9.9 fmpeg 2.8.x from kdenlive 15.12.1 with ffmpeg 2.8.x result render out: video play: speed is HIGH , see here link: (i add effect "dynamic tex" for counter in video, for understand that problem) https://mega.nz/#!b4JXVBCQ!2Fd_njnkC02DCnpcT9vgYU0JxZChS3cewPkTyPLkZqQ now i will do record screen ok? a moment...
here file video record screen: https://mega.nz/#!jxRnjaQC!8YCxxDZh_a0JAiuCu_K_35lZlCvt4Bq1VNxQIgb_w6w
Jean-Baptiste Mardelle what is your distro? i will want to test..
I am on Kubuntu, but I do compile FFmpeg from git. A few weeks ago, I also experienced problems with MXF seeking, rather similar to what I see in your video, but this seems fixed now. My guess is that this issue is related to FFmpeg...
"My guess is that this issue is related to FFmpeg..." ah...it is problem from ffmoeg 2.8? ok you can leave here link for report to ffmpeg, so i will can read what team reply for MXF issue ok?
hi.. there is news for ffmpeg with mxf...? here the file MXF footage: https://mega.nz/#!D0ojBJQA!W476CDKWyBbDgQWucTaQt0WDBr8OmvJX9tT20Wdt8oM
hi im back here, i did update kdenlive and ffmpeg 3.0 result worked! but is crashed.. see video here: http://sendvid.com/lpb9w7wo kdenlive 15.12.2 and ffmpeg 3.0 how i did crashed: add video in track video click play click pause key left arrow (frame-frame) this is CRASH!.. i hope that crash will be to fix it.. thank you
hi i check last version kdenlive 16.08.3 worked without problem.. thank you for fixed from team develops!!