Bug 357319 - bad render out, from MXF footage (canon xf105). bad: video as speed is high..
Summary: bad render out, from MXF footage (canon xf105). bad: video as speed is high..
Alias: None
Product: kdenlive
Classification: Applications
Component: Rendering & Export (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR grave
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jean-Baptiste Mardelle
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-12-29 23:35 UTC by manuel_songokuh
Modified: 2016-11-15 19:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 16.08.03
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description manuel_songokuh 2015-12-29 23:35:49 UTC
kdenlive 15.12.
kdenlive is not crash, but is bad render out. kdenlive 15.12 works as perfect.

for bad render?
example mxf speed is normal and render out (any format: mp4, mpeg2, avi, etc) then speed is high like as 200% over than normal video, without used effects.

so i did tested Shotcut version 15.12.03, with my same mxf and render, speed is normal..
this is correct speed. shotuct uses ffmpeg 2.7.x and melt 0.9.9

so i did tested kdenlive 0.9.10 WITH ffmpeg 2.7.x, with my same mxf and render, speed is normal..

so i did tested kdenlive 0.9.10 WITH ffmpeg 2.8.x, with my same mxf and render, speed is HIGH
same than kdenlive 15.12 with ffmpeg 2.8.x

so i cant to test kdenlive WITH ffmpeg 2.7.x...for to know is works or not works...i cant..

then problem is kdenlive with ffmpeg, maybe with melt..

but i did convert with ffmpeg command:
ffmpeg -i AAA.MXF -c copy BBB.MXF

open kdenlive 15.12 with ffmpeg 2.8.x
import BBB.MXF and render out, speed is HIGH..

result of render out:
the video time is 100% = 50% for high speed, 50% for frozen..
to be correct: the video time is 100% = 100% 

I will can send you file footage MXF but contact me email private ok?
thank you

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.import file mxf
2.render out, any format
3.file render is bad speed like as high speed..
Comment 1 manuel_songokuh 2016-01-11 20:04:33 UTC
now, there is file footage original from canon xf105 MXF
Comment 2 manuel_songokuh 2016-01-15 13:04:52 UTC
i add here link for other MXF footage original, this link mxf there is object motion.
will be helpful for team develops kdenlive to testing ok?

Comment 3 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle 2016-01-15 19:08:06 UTC

Thanks for your report. I just checked and your video files and it works correctly for me. This is probably a problem in your FFmpeg or MLT version.

You can test in the command line:

melt yourclip.MXF -consumer avformat:test.mp4

It will encode the file through mlt and produce a test.mp4 converted file.

Does this file also have the speed problem ?
Comment 4 manuel_songokuh 2016-01-16 10:38:34 UTC

ok, i follow you:
melt AA092801.MXF -consumer avformat:test.mp4
video play: speed is normal

melt 0.9.9
fmpeg 2.8.x

from kdenlive 15.12.1 with ffmpeg 2.8.x result render out: video play:
speed is HIGH , see here link:

(i add effect "dynamic tex" for counter in video, for understand that problem)

now i will do record screen ok? a moment...
Comment 5 manuel_songokuh 2016-01-16 11:00:40 UTC
here file video record screen:

Comment 6 manuel_songokuh 2016-01-16 20:29:07 UTC
Jean-Baptiste Mardelle
 what is your distro? i will want to test..
Comment 7 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle 2016-01-16 23:15:43 UTC
I am on Kubuntu, but I do compile FFmpeg from git. A few weeks ago, I also experienced problems with MXF seeking, rather similar to what I see in your video, but this seems fixed now. My guess is that this issue is related to FFmpeg...
Comment 8 manuel_songokuh 2016-01-17 00:39:10 UTC
"My guess is that this issue is related to FFmpeg..."
ah...it is problem from ffmoeg 2.8? ok you can leave here link for report to ffmpeg, so i will can read what team reply for MXF issue ok?
Comment 9 manuel_songokuh 2016-02-03 22:18:07 UTC
there is news for ffmpeg with mxf...?
here the file MXF footage:
Comment 10 manuel_songokuh 2016-03-13 15:29:35 UTC
im back here, i did update kdenlive and ffmpeg 3.0 result worked! but is crashed..
see video here:

kdenlive 15.12.2 and ffmpeg 3.0

how i did crashed:
add video in track video
click play
click pause
key left arrow (frame-frame) this is CRASH!..

i hope that crash will be to fix it..
thank you
Comment 11 manuel_songokuh 2016-11-15 19:50:04 UTC
i check last version kdenlive 16.08.3 worked without problem..
thank you for fixed from team develops!!