When Kodi is launched, compositing gets disabled. This seems to be on purpose: https://plus.google.com/+MartinGr%C3%A4%C3%9Flin/posts/MN6UPYenAq4 It’s a bit annoying because if I alt+tab and do something else without closing kodi I have no compositing. And as kodi takes some time to close and reopen, I tend to do that. But my real problem is when I try to set brightness with the shortcut keys for this, while in kodi, the screen flickers and after some brightness changes kwin crashes. Reproducible: Always
Backtrace or it didn't happen :-P (When kwin crashes it should restart and you should get a crash dialog - we need the developer information - no idea how this should relate to brightness changes in kodi, but smells like the epic qscreen bug)
I did before, but I tried a few times and I got no dialog. And each time I had to reboot as kwin was crashed and nothing worked anymore. I’ll try again tomorrow (getting late here).
(In reply to Côme Chilliet from comment #2) > had to reboot as kwin was crashed and nothing worked anymore. So it's no segfault? What makes you believe that kwin "crashed"? (And not eg. kodi while it grabs input? It has a feature to disable that so you can use global shortcuts etc.)
First, I had the dialog in the same situation before. And second, I also got the crash while having alt+tab before, in which case I can see window got no decoration anymore, focus can’t change between windows and keyboard is not responding anymore (maybe linked to the focus thing). When the crash happens while in kodi, I can’t alt+tab anymore but kodi works fine. Maybe in this case it’s not kwin which is crashing, I don’t know, but when I had the crash dialog before it always said «kwin».
There is a qt5/plasma update available, I’ll give more information after the update is done and I try again.
Created attachment 96368 [details] Plasmashell backtrace Got this crash today while using kodi. Was not setting the backlight this time.
That's bug #346118 - certainly not related to kwin and unlikely related to changing the brightness in kodi.
Ok, so it does not crash anymore when I set brightness while in Kodi, which is good, but the behaviour is still weird: Each time I increase or decrease brightness, the plasma taskbar is shown a brief moment, so when increasing several time it feels as the screen is flickering, as it shows kodi and plasma desktop several time each in a few seconds. I don’t have this problem when increasing or decreasing audio volume, I only get the KDE volume indicator on top of Kodi (which does not indicate much anymore as both bar colors are almost the same but I should open a bug ticket on breeze for this I guess). I would like the same for brightness, the brightness indicator at the center only above kodi, no flickering with plasma desktop or taskbar.
file a bug against powerdevil (though it might be in some frameworks class, don't know how the nasty brightness indicator is implemented) The reason will be that the indicator is not override_redirect and does not refuse focus, so it gets activated and the netwm spec requires fullscreen windows to shift back to the normal layer when they loose the focus (desired behavior because otherwise the active window would not get in sight). This implicitly drops them below panels (and some other windows) as well.