2K years source code need to migrate to KF5 or not? Hi KDE developers, plasma-desktop/kcms/icons source code was developed by Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel in 1999, I am full of respect because I became a university student in 2001, and play Linux from 2002, then be a Linux desktop developer worked in RedFlag-Linux, ArcherMind, Akomedia, etc. But at present I am so sorry to say goodbye to kcm_useraccount, icons and other 2K years around projects, because NOBODY maintained them, and what is important, KF5 provides different setting way via QML and C++ plugin. For example, kcmshell5 icons, the advance setting for desktop, panel's icon is different from plasma-desktop/containments/desktop: * kcmshell5 icons handles kdeglobals * but plasma-desktop handles plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc So I want to know do we need to migrate kcmshell5 icons to KF5 or just drop it, there are other issues about 2K years old source code due to different settings from KF5, but I am always full of respect and sorry to PIONEER. Regards, Leslie Zhai Reproducible: Always
It shouldn't be removed, it still sets important settings (e.g. toolbar icon sizes). I agree though the Panel section should be removed from the KCM and from the KIconLoader enums.
Thank Eike's reply ;-)
This was done years ago.