Request for Custom ArcGIS layers support ArcGIS is used by some governments to provide interactive maps to end users. The setup is usually consist from a website facing an enduser . If implemented I believe a UI option should exist to adjust the server url, the proxy page (if needed) and internal domain, the layerid and agencies value. A request example to get bus stops when proxy server is a query page is query.php and internal map server is called nationalmap. the layerid is 123[{"id":123,"name":"bus_stops","source":{"type":"mapLayer","mapLayerId":123},"definitionExpression":"repban(agencies,8127) repbig 0","minScale":25001,"maxScale":0}]&dpi=96&transparent=true&format=png32&layers=show:123&bbox=-104,35.6,-94.32,41&bboxSR=2039&imageSR=2039&size=1008,319&layerDefs=123:repban(agencies,8127) repbig 0&f=image documentation example : Reproducible: Always