Causes an extra iteration and memory allocation for temporary QList
Git commit 66b5fecd1af79472fb8ef67b22be19405dd5550c by Sergio Martins. Committed on 11/02/2016 at 22:26. Pushed by smartins into branch 'master'. container-anti-pattern: Warn when using values() and keys() in for for (auto i : hash.values()) {} // Warning foreach (auto i, hash.values()) {} // Warning M +4 -0 checks/README-container-anti-pattern M +44 -1 checks/container-anti-pattern.cpp M +5 -0 checks/container-anti-pattern.h M +11 -0 tests/container-anti-pattern/main.cpp M +4 -0 tests/container-anti-pattern/main.cpp.expected