When having a wallpaper package installed, which provides various wallpaper resolutions, Plasma might pick a wrongly oriented wallpaper if it has the same resolution. I can reproduce this on my 1920x1080 resolution laptop this way: 1. Unpack http://vizzzion.org/stuff/stedelijk.zip to ~/.local/share/wallpapers/ 2. Open the wallpaper selection dialog 3. Select the "Stedelijk" wallpaper 4. Apply Result: - the wallpaper is blurry because the 1080x1920 instead of 1920x1080 version is selected - in ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc, the wrong wallpaper is set: Image=file:///home/elias/.local/share/wallpapers/stedelijk/contents/images/1080x1920.png It looks like Plasma is ignoring the display orientation and just grabs the 1st matching wallpaper with the current resolution. Running latest KF5/Plasma 5 from git + Qt 5.5.0.
The distance(size, desired) method that determins which is the best image to use does not take into account orientation.
Can you try whether https://phabricator.kde.org/D2834 fixes this?
I checked this, and I think this is fixed. I had to create a 1200x1920 resolution image, but the correct aspect ratio was chosen automatically. Feel free to reopen this bug if this is still an issue for you.