When I try using "rdesktop" directly, then the following works: $ rdesktop fd00:1::30a2:6a30:2e19:d185 This works as well: $ rdesktop [fd00:1::30a2:6a30:2e19:d185] However, when I try connecting to [fd00:1::30a2:6a30:2e19:d185] in KRDC, it first asks for connection parameters, then for username and password, but after all of this it shows an error message: "Name or service not known".
What version of KRDC are you using? Recent KRDC versions are using FreeRDP (xfreerdp) for RDP support. Please try if you can connect with xfreerdp using IPv6.
I can confirm this with krdc 15.08.1 and xfreerdp. If I use krdc to connect to one of my hosts, which has both an ipv6 and an ipv4 address, it always chooses the ipv4 one. If I force the ipv6 address (in brackets) I get: "Connection attempt to host failed. Security negotiation or connection failure." Without brackets I get (of course): "The entered address does not have the required form. Syntax: [username@]host[:port]" If I use xfreerdp from the command line I manage to connect without problems.
I forgot to mention: my freerdp version is 1.2.1_pre20150326 (I'm on gentoo).
This works for me: xfreerdp /v:[fd00:1::30a2:6a30:2e19:d185] but KRDC does not. I'm also running 1.2.1_pre20150326 (Gentoo).
Thank you for reporting this bug in KDE software. As it has been a while since this issue was reported, can we please ask you to see if you can reproduce the issue with a recent software version? If you can reproduce the issue, please change the status to "CONFIRMED" when replying. Thank you!
Still broken. I can use xfreerdp /v:[2001:1ae9:25f:300:xxx], but when I use e.g. lubos@[2001:1ae9:25f:300:xxx] in KRDC, I get a blue window for a while (after the password prompt) and then it just disappears. Using an IPv6-only hostname instead of the IPv6 address works, so the problem is not the IPv6 protocol, but really just the direct use of an IPv6 address.
By running krdc with `QT_LOGGING_RULES` environment variable, it shows the xfreerdp arguments: $ QT_LOGGING_RULES="KRDC.debug=true" krdc (... lines omitted ...) KRDC: Starting xfreerdp with arguments: "(... other args ...) /port:3389 /v:2400:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx" (... lines omitted ...) So the ipv6 address is not bracketed. Related code seems to be at https://invent.kde.org/network/krdc/-/blob/d0efc2c3/rdp/rdpview.cpp#L339