Bug 352379 - Macports build of okular 4.14.3_1 crashes in OS X 10.10.2
Summary: Macports build of okular 4.14.3_1 crashes in OS X 10.10.2
Alias: None
Product: okular
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: MacPorts macOS
: NOR grave
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Okular developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-09-07 11:39 UTC by Kevin
Modified: 2015-09-07 20:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Kevin 2015-09-07 11:39:17 UTC
This is OS X 10.10.2 with a recent (last 1-2 days) install of MacPorts 2.3.3

I installed okular @4.14.3_1 (kde, kde4) with the default variants. I first tried installing with the +docs variant (port install okular +docs), but the build failed here, so I did sudo port clean okular and tried again, this time running sudo port install okular which reported success.

However, the executable seems to crash immediately after I launch it. I have the following log entries in my console. The Gestalt selector error seems like it might be important.

9/7/15 7:20:38.203 AM Console[38093]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
9/7/15 7:20:49.728 AM okular[38096]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.2 instead of 10.10.2. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
Call location:
9/7/15 7:20:49.732 AM okular[38096]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff91171d9b ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
9/7/15 7:20:49.732 AM okular[38096]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff94f6bc13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
9/7/15 7:20:49.732 AM okular[38096]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff94f6bb26 dispatch_once_f + 117
9/7/15 7:20:49.732 AM okular[38096]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff9111a3ca _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
9/7/15 7:20:49.733 AM okular[38096]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff91119fb7 Gestalt + 144
9/7/15 7:20:49.733 AM okular[38096]: 5   QtCore                              0x00000001100f31aa _ZN16QSettingsPrivate6createEN9QSettings6FormatENS0_5ScopeERK7QStringS5_ + 74
9/7/15 7:20:49.733 AM okular[38096]: 6   QtCore                              0x00000001100d4202 _ZN9QSettingsC1ERK7QStringS2_P7QObject + 34
9/7/15 7:20:51.260 AM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000027.okular[38096]) Service exited with abnormal code: 253

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. sudo port install okular
2. launch okular
3. okular crashes

Actual Results:  
Bouncy okular icon which then stops bouncing.

Expected Results:  
Okular launches successfully.
Comment 1 Kevin 2015-09-07 11:42:52 UTC
In case it helps, I'll add that after installing kspaceduel, I get the same behavior with the latter application too. So perhaps the bug is not in okular per se, but in components common to both kspaceduel and okular.
Comment 2 Albert Astals Cid 2015-09-07 18:07:34 UTC
Please report this bug downstream to the macports people. There's nothing we can do here.
Comment 3 Kevin 2015-09-07 20:59:49 UTC
Ok, but for what it's worth, I'll add an item here from Macports instructions to potential bug filers:

"Is the problem an application error and not related to compiling and installing?

In general, application bugs should be reported to the developers of the app (“upstream”), not MacPorts. An application bug that affects a large number of MacPorts users might merit a MacPorts bug for informational purposes only, but this should be done sparingly."