Possible regression? Bug 334587 - Ctrl + S shortcut does not Save/Save As of table, form, etc.
Hi, Currently Ctrl+S is used for design mode of tables/forms/etc. to save the design. I especially updated this page (work in progress) to mention the Shift+Enter shortcut that saves the current record: https://userbase.kde.org/Kexi/Handbook/References/Keyboard_Shortcuts I see that Ctrl+S may be what user expects, we will consider this for the next releases. Unlike spreadsheets, and similar software, even this would only make Kexi save the record from the current (form/table) view, not all unsaved data and designs. This is because Kexi and similar software saves individual objects independently, at record level, not at a global 'document' level. Thus giving users more choice, and multitasking options, like in a web browser. I am sorry for technical explanation... I also understand potential need for custom shortcuts.