The Default color in the Colors KCM is Oxygen, not Breeze. It uses kdeglobals default values but I have no idea where those come from. Reproducible: Always
Good question. I'll ask David how it works tomorrow.
Wasn't this fixed? I remember there was a discussion on a mailing list.
I thought so, but looking here it still shows the Oxygen colors for "Default" maybe I have a local config file that has the oxygen colors in it as default?
Done here Will poke Kai to ship it
Git commit 0d6cc21a5685846be4af9491e10d47bd7ee12a65 by Kai Uwe Broulik. Committed on 05/10/2015 at 14:00. Pushed by broulik into branch 'master'. Default to Breeze color scheme REVIEW: 124872 M +53 -52 src/kcolorscheme.cpp