While trying to input my password -which contains capital letters-, I noticed I can't do so with my phone. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Be in kde lock screen 2. Try to type password with capital letters with phone Actual Results: It tells me my password is wrong Expected Results: My password was typed correctly so it should log in DISCLAMER>This is probably a kscreenlocker problem (couldn't find a way to submit bugs for that, sorry for that), but I believe it is specific to the interaction between the lock screen and kde-connect< I noticed the lock screen doesn't react to my phone's caps lock and it only reads the computer's keyboard's caps lock key --this might be something that arises from the way the lock screen reads the passwords.
It looks like a KDE Connect problem. If you try to write something using caps lock (like you do for your password) in some other text input (eg: Kate), does it work? That will help rule out kscreenlock from the equation.
Didn't get a response.
My password contains capital letters and it works smoothly when typing it from kdeconnect 1.0.3.