Bug 348266 - Bold face font and clickable URL issues
Summary: Bold face font and clickable URL issues
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: font (show other bugs)
Version: 2.14.2
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2015-05-26 20:38 UTC by Richard Weinberger
Modified: 2020-11-01 23:19 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Richard Weinberger 2015-05-26 20:38:51 UTC
My KDE's Konsole is using the font "Monospace" of size 9.
With this setting everything works as expected. But as soon change the size to 8
I'm facing issues. URLs are no longer clickable or the underline keeps painted
after the cursor touched it.

With "Monospace" Konsole is also able to print bold face text.
Most notable when using top(1).
If I change to another font, say "Andale Mono" no bold text works.
It is shown as regular text. 

All this happens on my rock stable opensuse 13.2 system with KDE 4.14.6.
I'm not sure whether this is an KDE issue. Do you have any pointers for me?


Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Justin Zobel 2020-11-01 05:25:23 UTC
Richard I'm not able to reproduce the URL underline issue on KDE Neon Unstable, can you please confirm if this is still an issue for you.

In regards to the Andale Mono that is likely a font issue and not something related to KDE or Konsole.
Comment 2 Richard Weinberger 2020-11-01 20:48:51 UTC
(In reply to Justin Zobel from comment #1)
> Richard I'm not able to reproduce the URL underline issue on KDE Neon
> Unstable, can you please confirm if this is still an issue for you.
> In regards to the Andale Mono that is likely a font issue and not something
> related to KDE or Konsole.

This bug was filed 5 years ago.

Now with a new computer, different screen settings and such I don't see the issue anymore.
No idea whether it got fixed or my new setup is just no longer able to trigger the problem...

Comment 3 Justin Zobel 2020-11-01 23:19:41 UTC
Thanks for the reply Richard. I'll mark the bug as resolved as you cannot reproduce. If the issue returns please feel free to reopen or create a new bug report.