Similar to bug 344595 or bug 344896. Plasma freezes waiting for Dbus registration when ktp-log-viewer is launched from kicker or krunner. Reproducible: Always
Git commit 50a901a06733299af2238fc4c4d26d2f8052dae0 by Martin Klapetek. Committed on 28/05/2015 at 22:03. Pushed by mklapetek into branch 'Applications/15.04'. Make log viewer usable in multiple instances Also kills the "KDEInit couldn't launch log viewer" error and Plasma being blocked issue REVIEW: 123907 FIXED-IN: 15.04.2 M +4 -1 CMakeLists.txt M +2 -1 logviewer/CMakeLists.txt M +5 -0 logviewer/main.cpp R +1 -0 logviewer/org.kde.ktplogviewer.desktop [from: logviewer/ktp-log-viewer.desktop - 099% similarity]
Git commit f1c59e07876a8664d1746b9ac06034b76e909600 by Martin Klapetek. Committed on 28/09/2015 at 23:44. Pushed by mklapetek into branch 'Applications/15.08'. Make log viewer usable in multiple instances Also kills the "KDEInit couldn't launch log viewer" error and Plasma being blocked issue REVIEW: 123907 FIXED-IN: 15.04.2 M +4 -1 CMakeLists.txt M +2 -1 logviewer/CMakeLists.txt M +5 -0 logviewer/main.cpp R +1 -0 logviewer/org.kde.ktplogviewer.desktop [from: logviewer/ktp-log-viewer.desktop - 099% similarity]