Bug 346271 - kdenlive crashes when changing clip-text colour
Summary: kdenlive crashes when changing clip-text colour
Alias: None
Product: kdenlive
Classification: Applications
Component: User Interface & Miscellaneous (show other bugs)
Version: 16.08.2
Platform: Fedora RPMs Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jean-Baptiste Mardelle
Keywords: triaged
: 371416 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-04-16 17:01 UTC by Germano Massullo
Modified: 2018-09-27 08:38 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Germano Massullo 2015-04-16 17:01:02 UTC
kdenlive crashes when changing clip-text colour. Hereunder gdb backtrace

Reproducible: Always

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x000000369e202f89 in XRenderAddGlyphs () at /lib64/libXrender.so.1
#1  0x00000036a10c2654 in QFontEngineX11FT::uploadGlyphToServer(QFontEngineFT::QGlyphSet*, unsigned int, QFontEngineFT::Glyph*, _XGlyphInfo*, int) const (this=<optimized out>, set=<optimized out>, glyphid=<optimized out>, g=0x2c791e0, info=<optimized out>, glyphDataSize=<optimized out>) at text/qfontengine_x11.cpp:1174
#2  0x00000036a10cbfb7 in QFontEngineFT::loadGlyph(QFontEngineFT::QGlyphSet*, unsigned int, QFixed, QFontEngine::GlyphFormat, bool) const (this=this@entry=
    0x2b37c20, set=set@entry=0x2b37d08, glyph=<optimized out>, subPixelPosition=..., subPixelPosition@entry=..., format=QFontEngine::Format_A8, 
    format@entry=QFontEngine::Format_None, fetchMetricsOnly=fetchMetricsOnly@entry=true) at text/qfontengine_ft.cpp:1112
#3  0x00000036a10cc963 in QFontEngineFT::recalcAdvances(QGlyphLayout*, QFlags<QTextEngine::ShaperFlag>) const (fetchMetricsOnly=true, format=QFontEngine::Format_None, subPixelPosition=..., glyph=<optimized out>, this=0x2b37c20) at text/qfontengine_ft_p.h:281
#4  0x00000036a10cc963 in QFontEngineFT::recalcAdvances(QGlyphLayout*, QFlags<QTextEngine::ShaperFlag>) const (this=0x2b37c20, glyphs=0x7fffb3ffb678, flags=...)
    at text/qfontengine_ft.cpp:1613
#5  0x00000036a0ff49d1 in hb_getAdvances(HB_Font, HB_Glyph const*, hb_uint32, HB_Fixed*, int) (font=<optimized out>, glyphs=0x7fffac083448, numGlyphs=67, advances=0x7fffac083608, flags=<optimized out>) at text/qfontengine.cpp:105
#6  0x00000036a02ee51c in HB_OpenTypePosition(HB_ShaperItem*, int, HB_Bool) (item=0x7fffb3ffb910, availableGlyphs=<optimized out>, doLogClusters=<optimized out>)
    at ../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src/harfbuzz-shaper.cpp:1339
#7  0x00000036a02f3413 in HB_ShapeItem(HB_ShaperItem*) (shaper_item=0x7fffb3ffb910) at ../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src/harfbuzz-shaper.cpp:1419
#8  0x00000036a10273f7 in QTextEngine::shapeTextWithHarfbuzz(int) const (this=0x2f3cef0, item=<optimized out>) at text/qtextengine.cpp:1342
#9  0x00000036a1027d8a in QTextEngine::shapeText(int) const (this=this@entry=0x2f3cef0, item=item@entry=0) at text/qtextengine.cpp:935
#10 0x00000036a10280c5 in QTextEngine::shape(int) const (this=0x2f3cef0, item=0) at text/qtextengine.cpp:1450
#11 0x00000036a102bc25 in QTextEngine::shapeLine(QScriptLine const&) (this=0x2f3cef0, line=...) at text/qtextengine.cpp:875
#12 0x00000036a102e395 in QTextLineItemIterator::QTextLineItemIterator(QTextEngine*, int, QPointF const&, QTextLayout::FormatRange const*) (this=0x7fffb3ffc420, _eng=<optimized out>, _lineNum=<optimized out>, pos=..., _selection=<optimized out>) at text/qtextengine.cpp:3212
#13 0x00000036a1031451 in QTextLine::draw(QPainter*, QPointF const&, QTextLayout::FormatRange const*) const (this=this@entry=0x7fffb3ffcc10, p=p@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, pos=..., selection=selection@entry=0x0) at text/qtextlayout.cpp:2314
#14 0x00000036a103516b in QTextLayout::draw(QPainter*, QPointF const&, QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> const&, QRectF const&) const (this=this@entry=0x2e9c0b0, p=p@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, pos=..., selections=..., clip=...) at text/qtextlayout.cpp:1192
#15 0x00000036a106f438 in QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate::drawBlock(QPointF const&, QPainter*, QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext const&, QTextBlock, bool) const (this=this@entry=0x2ecb7d0, offset=..., painter=painter@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, context=..., bl=..., inRootFrame=inRootFrame@entry=true) at text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp:1316
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#16 0x00000036a1071907 in QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate::drawFlow(QPointF const&, QPainter*, QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext const&, QTextFrame::iterator, QList<QTextFrame*> const&, QTextBlock*) const (this=this@entry=0x2ecb7d0, offset=..., painter=painter@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, context=..., it=..., floats=..., cursorBlockNeedingRepaint=0x7fffb3ffd5b0)
    at text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp:1214
#17 0x00000036a1073170 in QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate::drawFrame(QPointF const&, QPainter*, QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext const&, QTextFrame*) const (this=this@entry=0x2ecb7d0, offset=..., painter=painter@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, context=..., frame=frame@entry=0x2cd08d0) at text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp:1065
#18 0x00000036a107a81a in QTextDocumentLayout::draw(QPainter*, QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext const&) (this=<optimized out>, painter=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, context=...)
    at text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp:2837
#19 0x00000036a101fc5f in QTextControl::drawContents(QPainter*, QRectF const&, QWidget*) (this=0x2e99e20, p=p@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, rect=..., widget=widget@entry=0x0)
    at text/qtextcontrol.cpp:3046
#20 0x00000036a13a497a in QGraphicsTextItem::paint(QPainter*, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem const*, QWidget*) (this=0x2ef3f40, painter=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, option=0x2eaa818, widget=<optimized out>) at graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp:10099
#21 0x00000036a13e3691 in QGraphicsScenePrivate::draw(QGraphicsItem*, QPainter*, QTransform const*, QTransform const*, QRegion*, QWidget*, double, QTransform const*, bool, bool) (this=this@entry=0x2eaa5f0, item=item@entry=0x2ef3f50, painter=painter@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, viewTransform=viewTransform@entry=0x7fffb3ffe090, transformPtr=transformPtr@entry=0x7fffb3ffde70, exposedRegion=exposedRegion@entry=0x0, widget=0x0, opacity=opacity@entry=1, effectTransform=0x0, wasDirtyParentSceneTransform=false, drawItem=true) at graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp:4964
#22 0x00000036a13e44c7 in QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawSubtreeRecursive(QGraphicsItem*, QPainter*, QTransform const*, QRegion*, QWidget*, double, QTransform const*) (this=this@entry=0x2eaa5f0, item=0x2ef3f50, painter=painter@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, viewTransform=viewTransform@entry=0x7fffb3ffe090, exposedRegion=exposedRegion@entry=0x0, widget=widget@entry=0x0, parentOpacity=parentOpacity@entry=1, effectTransform=0x0) at graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp:4857
#23 0x00000036a13e4e64 in QGraphicsScene::drawItems(QPainter*, int, QGraphicsItem**, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem const*, QWidget*) (this=<optimized out>, painter=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, numItems=<optimized out>, items=<optimized out>, options=<optimized out>, widget=0x0) at graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp:5389
#24 0x00000036a13d1757 in QGraphicsScene::render(QPainter*, QRectF const&, QRectF const&, Qt::AspectRatioMode) (this=this@entry=0x2c79e40, painter=painter@entry=0x7fffb3ffe3c0, target=..., source=..., aspectRatioMode=aspectRatioMode@entry=Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio) at graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp:1798
#25 0x00007fffdd8a63e7 in drawKdenliveTitle(producer_ktitle, mlt_frame, int, int, double, int) (self=self@entry=0x2bfa8d0, frame=frame@entry=0x7fffac08e540, width=177, height=100, position=0, force_refresh=<optimized out>) at kdenlivetitle_wrapper.cpp:458
#26 0x00007fffdd89e602 in producer_get_image (frame=frame@entry=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=buffer@entry=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=format@entry=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=width@entry=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=height@entry=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=writable@entry=0) at producer_kdenlivetitle.c:89
#27 0x00000036a920b3c7 in mlt_frame_get_image (self=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=0)
    at mlt_frame.c:581
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#28 0x00007fffe9a52dd5 in filter_get_image (frame=0x7fffac08e540, image=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x0, 
    width@entry=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=0x36981b9a30 <_IO_stdfile_2_lock>, height@entry=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=-1275070720, writable@entry=0) at filter_deinterlace.c:302
#29 0x00000036a920b3c7 in mlt_frame_get_image (self=self@entry=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=buffer@entry=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=format@entry=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=width@entry=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=height@entry=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=writable@entry=0) at mlt_frame.c:581
#30 0x00007fffe7c512b6 in get_image (frame=frame@entry=0x7fffac08e540, image=image@entry=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=format@entry=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=width@entry=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=height@entry=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=writable@entry=0) at filter_fieldorder.c:34
#31 0x00000036a920b3c7 in mlt_frame_get_image (self=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=0)
    at mlt_frame.c:581
#32 0x00007fffe7c4ff4e in filter_get_image (frame=0x7fffac08e540, image=0x35, image@entry=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=0)
    at filter_crop.c:77
#33 0x00000036a920b3c7 in mlt_frame_get_image (self=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x7fffb3ffe88c, height=0x7fffb3ffe890, writable=0)
    at mlt_frame.c:581
#34 0x00007fffe7c55671 in filter_get_image (frame=0x7fffac08e540, image=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x36981b9a30 <_IO_stdfile_2_lock>, 
    format@entry=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x7fffb3ffe978, height=0x7fffb3ffe97c, writable=0) at filter_rescale.c:217
#35 0x00000036a920b3c7 in mlt_frame_get_image (self=self@entry=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=buffer@entry=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=format@entry=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=width@entry=0x7fffb3ffe978, height=height@entry=0x7fffb3ffe97c, writable=writable@entry=0) at mlt_frame.c:581
#36 0x00007fffe7c55b8c in filter_get_image (frame=frame@entry=0x7fffac08e540, image=image@entry=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=format@entry=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=width@entry=0x7fffb3ffea64, height=height@entry=0x7fffb3ffea68, writable=writable@entry=0) at filter_resize.c:262
#37 0x00000036a920b3c7 in mlt_frame_get_image (self=0x7fffac08e540, buffer=0x7fffb3ffea20, format=0x7fffb3ffea6c, width=0x7fffb3ffea64, height=0x7fffb3ffea68, writable=0)
    at mlt_frame.c:581
#38 0x00000036ace12d3d in Mlt::Frame::get_image(mlt_image_format&, int&, int&, int) (this=this@entry=
    0x7fffac0a0470, format=@0x7fffb3ffea6c: mlt_image_rgb24a, w=@0x7fffb3ffea64: 178, h=@0x7fffb3ffea68: 100, writable=writable@entry=0) at MltFrame.cpp:59
#39 0x000000000071c427 in KThumb::getFrame(Mlt::Frame*, int, int, int) (frame=frame@entry=0x7fffac0a0470, frameWidth=frameWidth@entry=178, displayWidth=displayWidth@entry=178, height=height@entry=100) at /usr/src/debug/kdenlive-0.9.10/src/doc/kthumb.cpp:225
#40 0x000000000071c78e in KThumb::getProducerFrame(int, int, int, int) (this=this@entry=0x1e55770, framepos=framepos@entry=0, frameWidth=178, displayWidth=178, height=height@entry=100)
    at /usr/src/debug/kdenlive-0.9.10/src/doc/kthumb.cpp:178
#41 0x000000000071c89d in KThumb::getThumb(int) (this=0x1e55770, frame=frame@entry=0) at /usr/src/debug/kdenlive-0.9.10/src/doc/kthumb.cpp:124
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#42 0x00000000004c50e7 in ClipManager::slotGetThumbs() (this=0x2294e50) at /usr/src/debug/kdenlive-0.9.10/src/project/clipmanager.cpp:207
#43 0x00000000004ab9a5 in QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run() (this=0x26c7dd0) at /usr/include/QtCore/qtconcurrentrunbase.h:134
#44 0x00000036a026fb64 in QThreadPoolThread::run() (this=0x1ae3610) at concurrent/qthreadpool.cpp:108
#45 0x00000036a027c3af in QThreadPrivate::start(void*) (arg=0x1ae3610) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:349
#46 0x0000003697a0752a in start_thread (arg=0x7fffb3fff700) at pthread_create.c:310
#47 0x0000003697f0022d in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:109
Comment 1 Germano Massullo 2015-05-25 17:15:23 UTC
Do you confirm the bug?
Comment 2 farid 2015-05-26 22:13:43 UTC
AFAIK this tracker is for frameworks versions of kdenlive... older versions should be reported to mantis i think.
Comment 3 Germano Massullo 2015-08-13 08:43:26 UTC
(In reply to farid from comment #2)
> AFAIK this tracker is for frameworks versions of kdenlive... older versions
> should be reported to mantis i think.

What do you mean?
Comment 4 Cyril Giraud 2015-08-23 05:14:00 UTC
Mantis is announced "close" (but still alive) and I cannot create any account on Mantis.

Germano, what do you call "clip-text color" ?
Kdenlive 0.9.10 .deb x86 UbuntuStudio: crash not reproduced with "Color Clip" and "Title clip" with 1 colored text inside.
Comment 5 Germano Massullo 2015-09-05 22:14:46 UTC
(In reply to Cyril Giraud from comment #4)
> Mantis is announced "close" (but still alive) and I cannot create any
> account on Mantis.
> Germano, what do you call "clip-text color" ?
You add a text to the movie, then you try to change its colour
Comment 6 farid 2016-06-25 02:31:22 UTC
Germano please test if this is fixed in the latest version 16.04.2 and mark as solved if possible.
Comment 7 Germano Massullo 2016-06-25 07:29:56 UTC
(In reply to farid from comment #6)
> Germano please test if this is fixed in the latest version 16.04.2 and mark
> as solved if possible.

As soon I get the update on my distro's repository, I will do the tests :-)
Comment 8 Wegwerf 2016-08-04 16:39:50 UTC
Kdenlive 0.9.x is unsupported.
Comment 9 Ibrahim K 2016-10-21 07:20:15 UTC
I am facing the same issue with version 16.08.2 on ArchLinux! I never faced it with the previous version. Hope a soon fix :)
Comment 10 Wegwerf 2016-10-21 07:40:19 UTC
Ibrahim, please post a useful crash backtrace, but please only the relevant crash thread. As I don't see crashes on my Kubuntu 16.04LTS this looks suspiciously like a distro packaging error.
Comment 11 Ibrahim K 2016-10-22 09:43:05 UTC
(In reply to Wegwerf from comment #10)
> Ibrahim, please post a useful crash backtrace, but please only the relevant
> crash thread. As I don't see crashes on my Kubuntu 16.04LTS this looks
> suspiciously like a distro packaging error.

Here it is, also I got another crash once I try to save the project !

When I try to change the "title clip" colour :

Thread 27 (Thread 0x7fff72ffd700 (LWP 8736)):
#0  0x00007fffee32410f in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
    at /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00007fffc1cf15ed in  () at /usr/lib/mlt/libmltsdl.so
#2  0x00007fffee31e454 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
#3  0x00007fffefe637df in clone () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6

Thread 26 (Thread 0x7fff808a0700 (LWP 8735)):
#0  0x00007fffefe5a551 in ppoll () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007fffe7c2b99d in pa_mainloop_poll () at /usr/lib/libpulse.so.0
#2  0x00007fffe7c2bf8e in pa_mainloop_iterate () at /usr/lib/libpulse.so.0
#3  0x00007fffc1a87eed in  () at /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
#4  0x00007fffc1a5b800 in  () at /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
#5  0x00007fffc1a63fe8 in  () at /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
#6  0x00007fffc1aa58a9 in  () at /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
#7  0x00007fffee31e454 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
#8  0x00007fffefe637df in clone () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6

Thread 25 (Thread 0x7fff810a1700 (LWP 8734)):
#0  0x00007fffee32410f in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
    at /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00007ffff6fa8243 in  () at /usr/lib/libmlt.so.6

When I press Save Button :

Thread 23 (Thread 0x7fff7ade0700 (LWP 8791)):
#0  0x00007fffefe5ef19 in syscall () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007fffe80ef03a in g_cond_wait_until () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#2  0x00007fffe807de89 in  () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#3  0x00007fffe80d1aa6 in  () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#4  0x00007fffe80d10d5 in  () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#5  0x00007fffee31e454 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
#6  0x00007fffefe637df in clone () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6

Thread 22 (Thread 0x7fff7b5e1700 (LWP 8790)):
#0  0x00007fffefe5ef19 in syscall () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007fffe80ef03a in g_cond_wait_until () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#2  0x00007fffe807de89 in  () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#3  0x00007fffe80d1aa6 in  () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#4  0x00007fffe80d10d5 in  () at /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#5  0x00007fffee31e454 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
#6  0x00007fffefe637df in clone () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6

Thread 21 (Thread 0x7fff83666700 (LWP 8788)):
#0  0x00007fffefe5a551 in ppoll () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007fffe7c2b99d in pa_mainloop_poll () at /usr/lib/libpulse.so.0
#2  0x00007fffe7c2bf8e in pa_mainloop_iterate () at /usr/lib/libpulse.so.0
Comment 12 Wegwerf 2016-10-22 11:55:19 UTC
Sorry, but I asked to post only the stacktrace of the crashing thread. Gdb will indicate whicht thread crashed. All other backtraces are meaningless as they show these threads were idle.
Comment 13 farid 2016-10-22 12:37:56 UTC
I recently reported a similar report but it also affects changing color clip color:


should i close that one and post the backtrace here?
Comment 14 Ibrahim K 2016-10-22 13:57:34 UTC
I guess I figured the issue. Last update of Arch Linux with Gnome DE has changed Gnome from using Xorg to Wayland, which is not ready to use yet, that caused Kdenlive & other applications that were reported in Arch community not to run or run buggy.
So the solution is to switch from Wayland to Xorg, and to do that you have to :
from GDM interface, beneath the Password Entry box there is perfrences icon ( a small icon), press on it and choose xorg, and it is supposed to work as default in the next startup.

If it didn't run as default, follow this instruction :
"But if for some reason that doesn't work the file the setting is being saved into when you select "Gnome on Xorg" is "/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<user_name>". Change the "XSession=" line to be "XSession=gnome-xorg". Don't mess with the gdm user file there, do it on your user file."

the solution was taken from this thread :

@Wegwerf Thanks for helping :) it is cool to see a support team who responds fast.
@Farid I think this will solve your problem too.
Comment 15 Wegwerf 2016-10-22 15:10:30 UTC
Farid, makes sense to me to set the other report as a duplicate of this. Go for it...!
Comment 16 farid 2016-10-22 16:15:54 UTC
*** Bug 371416 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Andrew Crouthamel 2018-09-26 22:23:07 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with no change in 30 days, the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Bug_triaging

If you have already provided the requested information, please set the bug status as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 18 Germano Massullo 2018-09-27 08:38:33 UTC
The problem is no longer happening on 18.04.3