Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Resize krunner (doesnt work at all for me under kwin, only under i3 as window manager) 2.Close krunner 3.Open it again Actual Results: Krunner is not resizeable at all when using kwin as a window manager. When using i3 it is, but the new window dimensions aren't saved when closing krunner. Expected Results: Krunner should open with the new user defined size every time it's opened again, as was the case under KDE4.
With Plasma 5, we're not allowing user to change the size of Krunner UI. There is another bug about its position, which we are also not too sure about.
Created attachment 91510 [details] Standard size krunner, trunctuated filenames that prevent chosing the right file to open. Krunner's standard window size on a 3840x2160 display with 140dpi font scaling is 644x44, so ~1/6 of display width. For my use cases that's too small and sometimes hinders effective usage of krunner. I attached some pictures to illustrate that. Adding the following to my i3 config "fixes" the problem for me: for_window [class="krunner"] move down 250px for_window [class="krunner"] move left 250px for_window [class="krunner"] resize grow right 600px Don't know what people who use kwin can do about it though.
Created attachment 91511 [details] Krunner enlarged with i3, the different files are now identifiable.