Kmymoney allows users to enter a deposit and assign it to an expense category. Similarly, users can enter a withdrawal and assign it to an income category. This lets the user create errors. Better: When a user assigns a deposit to an expense category, or a withdrawal to an income category, the program should issue a warning, such as: "You are about to assign a deposit to an expense category. Is this what you want to do?" Thank you.
Created attachment 91222 [details] Typical error created by allowing an expense to be recorded as a deposit
There is no indication that is necessarily an error. It might be charging a fee or depositing a refund of a fee. Other examples of it is not always an error: if I get a rebate from a purchase, or a refund for returning a product, I assign it to the expense category I used for the original purchase. While the memo does often explain the situation, it is not always the case. In the meantime, it should be easy to create a pair of reports to find such transactions/splits. However, showing a warning does make sense in most cases.
I agree with you fully, Jack. Thank you. By the way: A better warning message would be "You are about to enter a deposit assigned to an expense category. Is this what you want to do?"