Hi, The filter Colorize[interactive] propose in the option two slot ( path ) for picking palette ( *.gpl color palette ). A little button next to the path propose to open a filemanager ( a folder icon on the button ). But this filemanager is limited to open only Krita images documents. So, it's impossible right now to use the filemanager to pick a palette files, the only way is to copy/paste the path manually inside the path field. Result expected : having the filemanager dialog to filter *.gpl palette, or list everything and allow any files.
Confirmed, we need to expand the KisUrlRequester class with an option to set the filter list on the KoFileDialog.
Git commit f5722b720122b0ad9861920ac92b29b8b39845b3 by Aleksander Demko. Committed on 17/02/2015 at 06:19. Pushed by ademko into branch 'calligra/2.9'. The general G'MIC file widget now lets you select any file. Added KisUrlRequest::setMimeTypeFilters() M +1 -0 krita/plugins/extensions/gmic/kis_gmic_settings_widget.cpp M +18 -10 krita/ui/widgets/kis_url_requester.cpp M +19 -1 krita/ui/widgets/kis_url_requester.h M +9 -18 libs/widgets/KoFileDialog.cpp http://commits.kde.org/calligra/f5722b720122b0ad9861920ac92b29b8b39845b3
Many thanks for the fix, I'll try it now :)