Bug 343456 - asks for passphrase even if wallet is open
Summary: asks for passphrase even if wallet is open
Alias: None
Product: ksshaskpass
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR major
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jeremy Whiting
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Reported: 2015-01-28 13:28 UTC by frederik.schwan
Modified: 2021-06-07 04:33 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description frederik.schwan 2015-01-28 13:28:18 UTC
If you try to access multiple passwords within the wallet timeout, the latest version asks for the password every time it tries to access the wallet even though it is not closed yet. This occurs since 5.2.0 - 0.5.3 is not affected

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Save some encrypted ssh keys
2. Save the corresponding passwords in kwallet
3. Try to load all the keys at once with "ssh-add ~/.ssh/*"

Actual Results:  
One kwallet popup per key

Expected Results:  
One kwallet popup for all keys, since they are imported within the wallet timeout
Comment 1 Marc Schiffbauer 2015-02-02 11:29:29 UTC
For me the new ksshaskpass does not work at all: It triggers kwallet passwort, but opening the wallte does not succeed at all.

It only return a read error (error -9)

Eberything fine with Version 0.5.3 though.
Comment 2 Christoph Feck 2015-02-15 14:55:33 UTC
Marc, could be related to bug 343718.
Comment 3 Marc Schiffbauer 2015-02-15 21:02:03 UTC
Maybe, yes. One problem is, that many users now have two different kwalletd's running (old and new implementation) because they use a mixture of "old" qt4-based and new qt5-based applications.

But the user is only able to manage passwords for the kwalletd for which the kwalletmanager is installed. And this can only be the old one (qt4-based) or the new one (qt5-based), not both.

There seems to be no sane migration path in KDE. I saw myself up- and downgrading kwalletmanager several times to manage passwords.

I know that the new kwalletmanager will migrate passwords to the new locations if the migration flag in its cnfig is not yet set. 

BUT the problem is, that many applications still use the old implementation and update/delete/insert passwords using the old kwalletd, so the already migrated data in the new implementation will be outdated very soon.

This seem to be a very confusing situation for many users because propably you never know where your passwords and credentials will end up: new or old implementation?

And you always have to provide a password for both implementations. And if you used different passwords in eacht kwalletd you always have to guess for which one it asks you this time.

I think some sort of proxy-kwalletd for qt4-based applications should replace the old kwalletd so that there is only one place, where passwords will be stored.

Or am I missing something here?
Comment 4 frederik.schwan 2015-02-15 21:17:34 UTC
@Marc You are right. BUT if you have both wallets encrypted with the same password you should be asked two times (qt4 and qt5 version) and not again until the wallet times out. Right?

For sshaskpass (which uses the qt5 implementation afaik) this does not work. It seems to close the wallet immediately and asks for every access within seconds.
Comment 5 Moritz Bunkus 2015-04-20 09:21:19 UTC
I can confirm this behavior. I have both walletds running (v4 and v5). kwalletmanager is the v4 manager.

Back in the days of »v4 only« ksshaskpass was leaving the wallet open. This means that once I had typed my password I could use ksshkaskpass as often as I wanted to without any further prompts. As I'm not only using this for ssh keys but other things as well (e.g. retrieving my mail account password for mutt, retrieving the password for several scripts) this was great.

Now with ksshaskpass v5 I get prompted for my v5 wallet password each time ksshaskpass is executed. This is highly annoying.
Comment 6 postix 2021-05-08 13:04:46 UTC
Frederik, can you still reproduce it?
Comment 7 Bug Janitor Service 2021-05-23 04:33:39 UTC
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Comment 8 Bug Janitor Service 2021-06-07 04:33:33 UTC
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