Bug 343190 - Duplicates appear in translation memory
Summary: Duplicates appear in translation memory
Alias: None
Product: lokalize
Classification: Applications
Component: editor (show other bugs)
Version: 2.0
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Nick Shaforostoff
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-01-23 11:43 UTC by Vit Pelcak
Modified: 2020-01-18 16:21 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

screenshot (21.30 KB, image/png)
2015-01-23 11:44 UTC, Vit Pelcak

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Vit Pelcak 2015-01-23 11:43:46 UTC
Same options appear in TM suggestions in Lokalize.

See attached screenshot.

From CLI:

"Notification" "Hlášení" "Notification"
string: "Hlášení" searching for placeables in "Notification"
HERE "Hlášení"
HERE 0 "Hlášení"
HERE 1 "Hlášení"
HERE 2 "Hlášení"
1 "Hlášení"
"Notification" "Hlášení"
run "Notification" "Hlášení"
doAutoSave "/home/vpelcak/.local/share/stalefiles/lokalize/kde-cli-tools.desktop.poLpb_%2Fhome%2Fvpelcak%2F%21files%2Fpreklad%2Fkde%2Ftrunk%2Fl10n-support%2Fcs%2Fsummit%2Fmessages%2Fkde-runtime2WnNHLpb"
"Something special happened in the program" "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem" "Something special happened in the program"
string: "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem" searching for placeables in "Something special happened in the program"
HERE "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem"
HERE 0 "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem"
HERE 1 "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem"
HERE 2 "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem"
1 "Něco zvláštního se stalo s programem"
Calling notify on "Sound"
Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect  Phonon::MediaObject ( no objectName ) to  Phonon::AudioOutput ( no objectName ).
Calling notify on "Taskbar"
0 42054338
Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Changing audio state from  Phonon::StoppedState  to  Phonon::PausedState
Changing audio state from  Phonon::PausedState  to  Phonon::PlayingState
Changing audio state from  Phonon::PlayingState  to  Phonon::PausedState
Changing audio state from  Phonon::PausedState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Closing notification 7
not found dbus id to close 

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-23 11:44:09 UTC
Created attachment 90602 [details]
Comment 2 Nick Shaforostoff 2015-01-23 13:27:19 UTC
are they coming from the same tm? (hover the suggestion to see this)

is it the only message that has duplicated suggestions? can you send me the .db file of translation memory (lcoated in ~/.local5)?
Comment 3 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-23 13:32:19 UTC
Yes. I deleted all other TM in "Manage Translation Memory" and restarted lokalize. I still see duplicates as in screenshot.
Comment 4 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-23 13:32:56 UTC
Nevertheless, IMHO functionally duplicates shouldn't appear no matter what.
Comment 5 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-23 13:36:17 UTC
Ah. I overlooked the other questions.

Well, plenty of messages have those duplicates. I can send you the file, but it has some 50MB.  Maybe I could delete it and create new one.
Comment 6 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-23 13:56:18 UTC
Hm. That seems to be issue with multiple TM really. I face strange issue when managing TM.

Either I cannot delete some TM at all or it is recreated upon restart of Lokalize.
Comment 7 Nick Shaforostoff 2015-01-24 15:40:48 UTC
i can write the code that eliminates duplicates coming from different TM's but i need to be sure this is the real reason for duplicates in your case.

what are the names of TM's and what is the projectid of your current project?
Comment 8 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-24 15:50:02 UTC
Sorry for not being clear. Duplicates were really caused by different tys.
Comment 9 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-24 15:50:35 UTC
Sorry for not being clear. Duplicates were really caused by different tys.
Comment 10 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-24 15:51:50 UTC
I'll provide more details in Monday. Now I'm only on cell phone.
Comment 11 Vit Pelcak 2015-01-26 09:39:52 UTC
There are "default" and "preklad".

projectid is "preklad".

After removing all TMs and regenerating TM this issue no longer exists.
Comment 12 Adrián Chaves (Gallaecio) 2019-10-26 14:07:31 UTC
So do we close this? Does this still happen? Is it normal for Lokalize to show entries from multiple translation memories? (I though it only showed those from the translation memory with a name that matches the name of the current project)