this is a wish bug for ability to select multiple layers by means of R click. may be we can have it assigned to modifier + R + click that way only R click will select one layer and this can select multiple layers. this will help if we have many elements on the canvas and too many layers in layer stack. now it is possible by inspecting each layer and shift licking , if the layer stack is long it is tedious. the ability to R click and select multiple layers will help a lot Reproducible: Always
Adding to the initial request : it would also be great if we can just drag (on canvas) and select multiple layers ( may be while pressing R) .
OK, just to rephrase: Currently we can quickly select one layer by holding 'R' and left clicking on the canvas. The proposal is for two extensions to this feature. - A shortcut to allow dragging a box around multiple elements on canvas which will then select the layers in layer stack which have visible content inside the box. (Proposal for default key: keep the same shortcut, currently "R", but add new behavior for click+drag.) - A shortcut to allow left clicking on multiple elements in the canvas, selecting respective layers in the layer stack without deselecting the old one. (Proposal for default key: Shift+R)
Dmitry implemented this in 3.0.