Bug 341288 - No Exif-data shown, if pictures are accessed from remote drives (NAS)
Summary: No Exif-data shown, if pictures are accessed from remote drives (NAS)
Alias: None
Product: baloo-widgets
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
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Reported: 2014-11-26 11:40 UTC by Dschoch
Modified: 2023-06-06 21:04 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

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Description Dschoch 2014-11-26 11:40:57 UTC
Dolphin (great tool) shows all the Exif-informations of pictures, which are locally on the PC.
But using any Samba-share, or sftp-connection does not show it. As the picture preview is already seen, the picture-file is already touched, so I am wondering, that the Exif-data is not processed.
Would be really nice, as I, and guess many other users, are storing their picture-archives on a remote storage-device.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. simply mark any jpg-file

Actual Results:  
only file-size and file-name is seen at the information-panel

show the complete exif-data, like seen with local jpg-files.
Comment 1 Frank Reininghaus 2014-12-14 17:31:34 UTC
Thanks for the report!

We use a widget from the Baloo library to display information about files in the Information Panel, so this would have to be implemented in Baloo.

The KIO library downloads files (at least those below a certain size limit) to a temporary directory and creates preview images, as you said. I'm not sure though if it's easy to make use of that for Baloo - AFAIK, KIO provides no API to access the downloaded file, and I think that we should definitely not download it twice.
Comment 2 Vishesh Handa 2015-05-25 10:00:12 UTC
Marking this as a bug (instead of wishlist) otherwise it will not get looked at.
Comment 3 tagwerk19 2021-07-19 07:02:43 UTC
(In reply to Frank Reininghaus from comment #1)
> We use a widget from the Baloo library to display information about files in
> the Information Panel, so this would have to be implemented in Baloo.
Dolphin no longer depends on baloo running (or having indexed the particular folder), see Bug 434565:


Not sure whether this means it skips using the baloo libraries or not.

If I install Samba filesharing on a test Neon VM

    apt install kdenetwork-filesharing samba

Then share a folder (via the folder's properties and the sharing tab) and connect from second 'client' Neon VM, I do not see attributes shown for the files:

    Extended attributes (tags, ratings or comments) and embedded EXIF info
    (such as Height, Width, Date Photographed for images) on the server are
    not displayed on the client - even in the F11 information panel or the
    file properties (does not present the "Details" tab)

    It is seemingly possible to add/edit the extended attributes on the
    client (add tags and comments, change ratings). These are not written
    to the server and no error message if given.
Comment 4 michael2macdonald 2023-04-28 22:24:33 UTC
I have the same issue but I am running the Fedora KDE Spin.

I also have my remote CIFS shares listed in my fstab file and mounted directly to my filesystem rather than however they are accessed when accessing them directly in the dolphin interface using "smb://IP_ADDRESS/". This would lead me to believe that baloo/dolphin must think my shares are local and do not know that they are remote (But I may be wrong because I don't have in-depth knowledge of how either of them work). I am not sure if any of this is relevant, but I thought that given the aforementioned information, it might not be due to baloo/dolphin deliberately treating remote and local locations differently from each other.
Comment 5 flan_suse 2023-06-06 21:04:12 UTC
(In reply to Vishesh Handa from comment #2)
> Marking this as a bug (instead of wishlist) otherwise it will not get looked at.

* ... 8 years later ... *


Wonder if it's been looked at? ;)

Not only can I confirm this, but it should be noted that this bug also affects NFS shares; not just SMB.

SMB? This bug exists.
NFS? This bug exists.
External USB? Normal behavior.
Local drive? Normal behavior.

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KDE Frameworks Version: 5.105.0
Qt Version: 5.15.9