Hello. Most modern terminal emulators handle ESC]0; ^G sequence to change its title (mostly in window header) - http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/xterm-title-bar-manipulations.html. GNU Screen call it "hardstatus" - https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/html_node/Hardware-Status-Line.html Yakuake has title change support mainly for styles if I understand correctly (https://github.com/panzi/Yakuake/blob/master/app/titlebar.cpp). Meantime ignore mentioned sequence. For example if you run: echo -e '\033]0;Test0\007' in gnome terminal it changes window title to "Test0", xfce4-terminal behaves similar way except first fixed string of name. It does nothing in Yakuake. Please add that handling to place some text in titlebar when it visible.
Reassigned to Konsole since terminal emulation happens in there. (That GitHub is not the Yakuake repository, FYI.)
Sorry, but konsole has option in settings "Show window title on the titlebar" does exactly that and have tooltip: "Show window title set by escape sequence on the titlebar". So it request in yakuake do the same.
The thing is that Yakuake will set the title bar to whatever the Konsole KPart component emits with titleChanged(), and the decision to emit that signal in response to such an escape sequence happens inside Konsole code, rather than Yakuake code. It sounds like the bug here is that the Konsole KPart doesn't make this option available in the "Edit Profile" dialog, to control whether or not it emits the signal. Or it should simply *always* emit the signal, which IMHO would make sense in a KPart context.
Confirmed on 18.08.1. KDE Plasma Version: 5.14.0 Qt Version: 5.11.2 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.50.0