I'm missing the option to show image infos (at least the filename) in the thubmsbar at the lest. Sometimes I have to work with images that have very similar content and. A filename would be very helpfull to tell one from th other. The hover tooltip is not really helpful in this scenario. In this special scenario the missing filenames are a real showstopper. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Press Ctrl-T to enable Thumbbar 2. Sadly miss the missing filenames under the thumbnails 3.
The new Stack View introduced with 7.4.0 allow to show file name on the right of item thumbnail. Stack View is an alternative to thumb-bar, with a contents which can be bookmarked and reloaded later. Items can be listed from different folders . Thumb-bar contents follow item selection from Stack-View. You can discover more details about this feature in 7.4.0 release announcement: https://www.digikam.org/news/2021-12-17-7.4.0_release_announcement/ Gilles Caulier