Currently, the wallpaper config dialog doesn't ask for confirmation before deleting wallpapers dropped into ~/.local/share/wallpapers or downloaded via GHNS. This could result in loosing files or putting the user in a situation where a wallpaper is accidentally deleted whose name the user can't remember anymore to re-download it via GHNS. As this can happen easily as one just needs to accidentally click the overlay icon of a wallpaper in the configuration dialog, a confirmation dialog should be shown first before deleting a wallpaper!
Removing an image from the wallpaper selection doesn't remove it.
Here it deletes the file hard from the disk...
How are you adding the file?
Using the Open... button
bump? seems like an important one...
When the image is in QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + "/wallpapers/" it gets deleted when removed from the list, if it's a Plasma package it is uninstalled. Otherwise the config is just updated. Perhaps there's a glitch in Image::removeWallpaper(), like doing QUrl nameUrl(name); and stuff.
I have upload a patch in the rb which is adding a dialog for confirmation before the delete of the wallpaper.
Git commit 50942e2618f3ed26f8eac8f264656617bb113ec6 by Antonis Tsiapaliokas. Committed on 03/04/2015 at 16:05. Pushed by tsiapaliokas into branch 'master'. Ask for confirmation before deleting a wallpaper. REVIEW: 123211 M +47 -0 wallpapers/image/backgroundlistmodel.cpp M +9 -3 wallpapers/image/backgroundlistmodel.h M +7 -0 wallpapers/image/image.cpp M +1 -0 wallpapers/image/image.h M +24 -3 wallpapers/image/imagepackage/contents/ui/WallpaperDelegate.qml M +5 -1 wallpapers/image/imagepackage/contents/ui/config.qml