Bug 338565 - Dav resource should inform user if goes offline
Summary: Dav resource should inform user if goes offline
Alias: None
Product: Akonadi
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: DAV Resource (show other bugs)
Version: 4.13
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2014-08-26 09:04 UTC by Fabian
Modified: 2021-03-09 05:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Fabian 2014-08-26 09:04:19 UTC
Due to an owncloud error (https://github.com/owncloud/contacts/issues/585) my dav resources failed to sync and goes offline. Unfortunately I got no message about this so that I assume that my contacts and events are in sync with the server. This can lead to a data loss.
It would be good, if there is a popup or dialog when there is any sync error which makes the resource offline. The imap resources behave like this.
Comment 1 Justin Zobel 2021-03-09 05:46:24 UTC
Thank you for the bug report.

As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists.

If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.