Open a PDF document where the values of CreationDate and/or ModDate fields contains a timezone, e.g. (D:20140810002948+02'00') (pdfinfo can show it). The timezone is not considered in the respective fields of the Document Properties dialog, and the UTC time is shown instead; in the example above: Saturday 09 August 2014 22:29:48
Please attach such a file
Created attachment 88223 [details] PDF from beamerexample-prosper.tex beamerexample-prosper.tex is shipped with TeXLive (texlive-latex-recommended 2014.20140717-01 on my system). Generated on my system with pdflatex, CEST timezone (GMT+02). pdfinfo shows the correct time.
Actually I think *we* show the correct time. date is D:20140811231448+02'00' since we are *not* showing the timezone, that means that the file was generated at 21 instead of 23. Now i guess that showing the timezone would be even better. Unfortunately QDateTime does not have timezone support, so not sure there's much more we can do here.
If I read the code correcly, the core function which reads the date is Poppler::convertDate here: The date is always UTC, we could at least show that it's UTC in the information dialog. For the (not so far) future, Qt5 QDateTime has timezone support, a proper fix (show the original timezone too) would be possible. For the reasons stated above I would leave this bug CONFIRMED.
Okular is great but would be even better if this bug was corrected.
Thank you for the bug report. As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists. If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.
Today, I created a PDF (unsing pdflatex) and the time displayed by okular in the properties for this file is now correctly displayed in UTC (the CreationDate in this file using my time zone corresponds correctly to the string displayed by okular using UTC).