Bug 338088 - Previous page button moves to previous page in document, not previous read page
Summary: Previous page button moves to previous page in document, not previous read page
Alias: None
Product: okular
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Unspecified
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Okular developers
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Reported: 2014-08-07 07:22 UTC by Tobias Winchen
Modified: 2014-08-07 11:56 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Tobias Winchen 2014-08-07 07:22:30 UTC
Dear Developers,

reading a paper in Okular I often click on links to figures, references, etc.. Currently, I have to remember the page I was on and move back manually as the 'Previous' button always moves to the `physically' previous page and not the previously read page. I think it would be great if pressing the 'Previous' button moves the reader back to the page read before, as I think this functionality is currently missing and it is what is expect, at least compared with web-browsers.


Comment 1 Albert Astals Cid 2014-08-07 07:33:02 UTC
It's not missing. Go -> Back/Forward

You did not even look at the menus before filing the bug? Or they are hard to understand?
Comment 2 Jonathan Verner 2014-08-07 09:02:33 UTC
While the reporter did not know that the functionality existed, I don't think it is fair to be so harsh. 

Plus I think there might be a valid point in what he says: namely it would make sense to make the <-/-> buttons tied to the "Back/Forward" actions rather
than the "Previous page/Next page" actions. I for one don't remember ever
using the Previous page/Next page action: usually, when I am reading a document,
the whole page is not visible and then it just doesn't make sense to move to the next page. Should I file a new wish for this change?
Comment 3 Albert Astals Cid 2014-08-07 09:11:10 UTC
The reporter did not know the functionality existed. But in my opinion it is far "harder" to report a bug that to open the menus and look through them, so I am interested if he did look through them or not. If not why. And if he did why he did not understood Go->Back/Forward do what he wanted.

You can open any wish for the changes you want. But toolbars are configurable for a reason, if you don't like the default, you can change them, without a deep study i don't see the need to change the defaults.
Comment 4 Jonathan Verner 2014-08-07 10:12:33 UTC
Thanks for clarifying. Online discussion has the drawback that one can't see non-verbal hints and without them, as I said, your second sentence sounded 
a bit harsh to me  :-)

As for the feature, I won't pollute the bugzilla with a new wish as I don't
use the toolbars anyway (yes, I know the buttons are configurable, I chose to hide the toolbars so that I have more space for the content). And I agree
that it would need a deeper study to change defaults. However, in this case 
I think time is better spent otherwise...

Btw, thanks for your work on okular. Its one of the programs that I use
all the time but don't even notice them since they "just work".
Comment 5 Tobias Winchen 2014-08-07 11:56:03 UTC
On Thursday 07 August 2014 09:11:10 you wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=338088
> --- Comment #3 from Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> ---
> The reporter did not know the functionality existed. But in my opinion it is
> far "harder" to report a bug that to open the menus and look through them,
> so I am interested if he did look through them or not. If not why. 

Thank you for your quick reply  - I didn't look into the menu.
My intuition was always that the `previous - next' buttons should behave as 
the `back - forward' buttons do and it didn't occur to me that the function 
might exist hidden in the `go' menu.