In the plasma-nm applet, the connections used to be displayed seemingly randomly. In newer versions, they are sorted (for the most part) in reverse order of last used. This does not work well when you have more than 10 or so connections. Trying to find a connection in a list of 100 is difficult without the option to sort them alphabetically. Reproducible: Always
I do not plan to add this in near future. I also think that the current sorting is much better, because most relevant connections should be at the top.
I'm closing this now, because we are not going to add this to the applet, Option for sorting is in plan for a new Network KCM in Plasma 5.
Hi, could you give any hint on a workaround and/or which source files to look at if someone wanted to try patch it on his own?
You can change this in libs/models/appletproxymodel.cpp.
Bulk transfer as requested in T17796