Created attachment 87501 [details] demo XMI file which shows the problem This bug was introduced by svn commit 247381 on 2003-08-31. Ada code is generated only for a single class per UML package. The code for the second to Nth class in a package is missing. In the attachment, package "pkg" contains the interfaces IGramp and IPa and the classes CMa and TheMan. Of these classes, only CMa is generated in
Git commit 3b6386203c827fd65937692c5a4fdf9f8457ef2a by Oliver Kellogg. Committed on 01/07/2014 at 16:33. Pushed by okellogg into branch 'master'. umbrello/uml.cpp - In function setGenerator() revert part of commit ea25b64 which returns preexisting m_codegen if (m_codegen->language() == pl). umbrello/codegenerators/codegenerator.{h,cpp} - New virtual function finalizeRun() with empty default implementation can be reimplemented by concrete code generators to perform additional cleanups or other actions that can only be performed once all code has been written. The function is called in writeCodeToFile() after return from writeListedCodeDocsToFile(). umbrello/codegenerators/simplecodegenerator.cpp - In function writeCodeToFile(), utilize writeCodeToFile(concepts) for minimizing code duplication. - In function writeCodeToFile(UMLClassifierList&), - do not writeClass(c) if Model_Utils::isCommonDataType(c->name()); - call finalizeRun() after foreach loop over `concepts'. umbrello/codegenerators/ada/adawriter.{h,cpp} - Add `static' on declaration of functions isOOClass() and packageName(). - New function declareClass() factors trunk of Ada declaration which is common to partial (public) and full (private) view. - Reimplement function finalizeRun() from CodeGenerator: Cumulative generation of the private part is moved from writeClass() to here. - New member m_pkgsGenerated is required for closing opened files in finalizeRun(). - New member m_classesGenerated is required for ensuring that order of code generation is consistent with order of dependencies among classifiers in the package. umbrello/codegenerators/ada/adawriter.cpp function writeClass() - Return immediately without further action if `c' is already present in m_classesGenerated. - If `pkg' is found in m_pkgsGenerated then do not open file / write initial declarations but instead use the value() of the PackageFileMap:: iterator found for `file'. - If `pkg' is found in m_pkgsGenerated then: - Open file and write initial declarations; in loop over `imports', do not write "with" if packageName(con) does not match `pkg'. - Assign `file' into m_pkgsGenerated[pkg]. - Before declaring the Ada type mapped from `c', loop over c->getSuperClasses() and ensure that superclasses in same package are written beforehand. - Move all aggregation/composition/attribute handling to finalizeRun(). umbrello/codegenerators/ada/adawriter.cpp function reservedKeywords() - Add Ada2005 reserved word "interface". M +247 -184 umbrello/codegenerators/ada/adawriter.cpp M +24 -2 umbrello/codegenerators/ada/adawriter.h M +15 -0 umbrello/codegenerators/codegenerator.cpp M +2 -0 umbrello/codegenerators/codegenerator.h M +4 -6 umbrello/codegenerators/simplecodegenerator.cpp M +4 -5 umbrello/uml.cpp