Each time I log on to the graphical desktop, kcminit immediately crashes, and a few seconds later, kded4 crashes as well, both with segfault. This occurs reliably since I updated the xorg and Mesa packages up the latest version available on the openSuSE:X11 repository. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Log on to graphical desktop 2. 3. Actual Results: KDE crash pop-up windows for kcminit and kded4 appear Expected Results: Should not segfault
Created attachment 86865 [details] kdecrash report
Created attachment 86867 [details] kdecrash report for kcminit
Crash is in the dynamic library loader. Please report this issue to the bug tracker of your distribution.
After downgrading the Mesa packages from 10.2.0~rc4-368.1-x86_64 (from the build.opensuse.org/X11 repository) back to 9.2.3-61.9.1-x86_64 (from the standard openSuse 13.1 repository), it does not crash any more. My xorg packages are still version 7.6_1-218.3-x86_64 from X11/Xorg, but those don't seem to cause problems.